Brewer’s Yeast Diet: Why Is It Worth It?

Brewer's yeast diet: why is it worth it?

You may have already heard of brewer’s yeast or even tried it as part of a recipe. If you are unfamiliar with this product yet, after reading this article you may want to start incorporating it into your daily diet! So this time we’re talking about brewer’s yeast: the brewer’s yeast diet we’ve introduced is one of the best decisions you can make about your diet. So keep reading and try this miracle product for yourself!

Beer yeast is a real superfood

Did you know that brewer’s yeast has one of the best nutrient contents on the market? Brewer’s yeast contains all of the following nutrients:

  • 10 vital amino acids for protein building
  • it is 40% protein
  • 14 minerals including selenium, chromium, zinc, copper, calcium and iron
  • 20 vitamins, the best of which is definitely a multivitamin B.
  • nucleic acid, which is a vital factor in cell renewal.

Who should try brewer’s yeast?

Brewer’s yeast is a great product for the following people:

  • pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • children in development (especially under 7 years of age)
  • teenagers
  • athletes (brewer’s yeast improves performance and gives muscle tissue oxygen)
  • those who are trying to lose weight through diet
  • vegetarians and vegans (who need more protein from their diet)
  • aged
  • those with certain nutrient deficiencies
  • suffering from anemia
  • diabetics
  • those with hormonal imbalances (such as progesterone, thyroid hormone, or testosterone)
  • suffering from cancer
  • those who have undergone some surgery
  • those with eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia or malnutrition)
  • suffer from liver disease
  • suffer from high cholesterol

As you can see, brewer’s yeast has benefits in a great many ways, so almost all people get valuable help from this product, regardless of age or physical condition.

Beer yeast has many welfare-promoting properties.

What exactly is brewer’s yeast?

Beer yeast is obtained from the production process of one of the world’s most popular beverages, but unlike beer, it contains no alcohol at all. It is thus a by-product of the breakdown of barley, and in fact it is a dried version of a fungus known as  Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Brewer’s yeast can be grown in the laboratory as a nutrient supplement, but most brewer’s yeast is simply obtained from brewing waste.

Before brewer’s yeast ends up on the shelves of health stores, all the bitterness is removed from it, and this process also takes some of its beneficial compounds from it. This means that the quality of brewer’s yeast is slightly lower if it is obtained as a by-product of brewing.

Beer yeast is obtained from beer fermentation waste.

This is why it is always a better option to buy live brewer’s yeast that has not gone through this process of refining or improvement, which can make the product more useless for your health.

There are two main types of brewer’s yeast: tart and non-tart brewer’s yeast, and this depends on their manufacture. The bitter version contains more nutrients than the non-bitter one, which is the result of the factors of the manufacturing process we described earlier.

Brewer’s yeast diet – how can brewer’s yeast be used to help with weight loss?

It is recommended that brewer’s yeast be ingested at 20-30 grams daily. This protein supplement found in health or health food stores is used by many people who follow some low calorie diet.

However, be careful when buying brewer’s yeast. Some stores sell three types or flavors: natural, apple flavor, and cheese flavor. Your choice depends on whether you want to eat yeast with sweet or savory food. You can mix it with any food whose nutritional value you want to add (i.e. if you want to make your food more beneficial).

Brewer’s yeast is usually eaten with the following foods:

  • milk
  • yogurt
  • juice
  • smoothies
  • flakes
  • vegetables
  • pasta
  • salads
  • bakery products
  • desserts
  • you do
  • meat
  • burgers

As you can see from the previous list,  brewer’s yeast is a very versatile product.

Brewer's yeast can be eaten with many dishes.

Brewer’s Yeast Diet – Tips to Get You Started

  • Make sure you only buy live and tart brewer’s yeast, meaning avoid one that has gone through a dry cleaning process – it removes some of its healthiest properties from brewer’s yeast.
  • Put brewer’s yeast in fruit and vegetable smoothies to make it easier for you to feel full.
  • Buy yeast flakes and add them to some recipes (salads or even desserts – to your taste). Even a teaspoon gives your food protein and vitamins, and completely fat-free.
  • Start your morning with a beer yeast dissolved in warm water and add a little lemon juice. Repeat this for two weeks in a row on an empty stomach, and always wait half an hour before eating breakfast.
  • When you’re hungry, don’t rush to the fridge and grab anything. Put a little brewer’s yeast on top of raw vegetables, such as a cucumber or carrot.
  • Put yeast in a salad for lunch or even a burger. Even a small dose will make you feel fuller, and it will also give you energy for the rest of your day.
  • Eat live brewer’s yeast in flakes or dried three times a day (about 10 grams at a time) for at least a month to get an effective effect.
  • Don’t forget to read the instructions in your package carefully so you know the recommended amounts for each type of food.
  • Make sure your lifestyle is generally healthy. A brewer’s yeast diet alone is never the solution – you should exercise two to three times a week, drink two gallons of water a day, and avoid certain processed foods (or ones with bleached sugar or flour). This will give you better results, and you will also get them in less time.


The brewer's yeast diet alone is not the key to happiness.  You also need to eat healthily and exercise.

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