Balance The Body’s Acidity With Baking Soda

Balance the body's acidity with baking soda

Many foods have an acidifying effect on the body. Over time, the acidity of the body can become harmful and even cause disease. Slims and other carbonated drinks, processed foods, white flour, candies, bread, red meat, sausages and other meat products can often seem irresistible, but did you know that they increase your body’s acidity when ingested excessively?

Why is excessive body acidity harmful?

Maintaining the body’s pH balance is important. Acidity causes obesity, fatigue, digestive problems, slurred thinking, depression, crunches and pain, and accelerated aging, according to pH thinking.

The numbers on the PH scale range from 0 to 14, and this determines the alkalinity and acidity of the substance. The closer the number goes to zero, the more acidic the substance, and the closer to fourteen, the more basic the substance in question. For your body to function normally and in balance, it should have a pH of 7.35 to 7.45.

Poor lifestyle choices and eating habits can lead to pH imbalances and push the value towards the acid. As a result, the body is no longer able to eliminate toxins in the same way as before, and the absorption of nutrients is impaired. It is for this reason that it is important to strive to balance the pH of the body and convert it from acidic to basic.

Baking soda can restore body balance

With this recipe, you will treat excessive acidity

Excessive acidity can cause digestive problems

The acidity of the body often manifests itself in an excessive amount of stomach acid and digestive problems. To balance this, try 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water. Enjoy a glass of this after every meal.

Reduction of acidity in the bloodstream

You can also use the above recipe to lower your blood acidity. Enjoy a glass in the morning and evening before going to bed.

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Apple cider vinegar improves the body's pH balance

The pH of this mixture is 7, which makes it a great treatment for improving the pH balance of the body. In addition, it gives you a sheer dose of energy. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and enjoy two or three times a day on an empty stomach. This is best done right the first in the morning and the last in the evening, a few hours after the meal.

Lemon and baking soda

With this easy recipe, you quickly neutralize excessive acidity and avoid the disgusting symptoms of acidity. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a small container and mix in a mixture of water and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The mixture starts to effervesce and should be enjoyed immediately. We recommend a drink to enjoy, especially after heavy meals, but you can make it a habit to drink a glass twice a day.

Lime and baking soda

The lime drink balances the amount of potassium and sodium

This drink is prepared in the same way as the lemon drink mentioned above. Use only lime instead of lemon. This drink balances the amount of potassium and sodium and is especially suitable for those who suffer from fluid retention and swelling due to high sodium levels.

With this drink you balance the excess sodium

When sodium accumulates in the body, it can lead to long-term health problems. With this easy recipe, you will reduce the amount of sodium and the resulting accumulation of fluids and swelling. Mix 1/8 teaspoon baking soda with 1/16 teaspoon potassium powder and 1/4 teaspoon citric acid. Dissolve in water in the desi and enjoy twice a day on an empty stomach.

Neutralizes the acidity of the body with this recipe

This easy drink balances acidity and restores the body’s natural amount of sodium and potassium. This helps the body to function effectively. Mix fresh lemon juice with baking soda and potassium powder (the same amount each). Enjoy a drink twice a day on an empty stomach.


  • To get the best results from these treatments, you should drink plenty of water between meals. Water neutralizes the body and keeps excessive acidity at bay.
  • Keep the last meal of the day light and enjoy it at least 2 hours before bedtime.

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