Baby Benefits From Fruit Purees

Breast milk is the most important source of food for babies, but it can also give babies of a certain age fruit purees, from which the baby receives a good extra dose of nutrients. We’ll take a closer look at how to make fruit purees so you can make purees for your baby yourself.
The baby benefits from fruit purées

Breast milk is the baby’s main food and should not be replaced by anything else. However, you can add more food to your baby’s diet from the age of 6 months onwards: your baby in particular will benefit from fruit purées, and will keep them pretty sure!

This is how you give your baby different nutrients for growth.

How does a baby benefit from fruit purées?

The fruits are second in the food pyramid immediately after the vegetables. They are invaluable to good health. One of the good things about fruit purees is the high amount of liquids, as the purees can contain up to 95% water.

Plant-derived fiber helps regulate baby’s bowel movements. The bowel movements of a breastfed baby vary very much and can vary a lot in children even at a later age. All fruits are high in nutrients, but they affect the baby’s stool, some softening it, others hardening it.

They contain vitamins, minerals and simple carbohydrates and no fat at all. Your baby will get more energy if you add fruit to his diet. She learns to eat healthy food instead of greasy and artificially sweetened foods.

Fruit purees also contain antioxidants and micronutrients that prevent disease, obesity, constipation, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

This is how you include purees in your baby’s diet

carrot puree for baby

Initially, give your baby very small servings of fruit puree. This is how you get used to the taste, composition and food of puree other than breast milk. Offer puree in addition to breast milk, not as a substitute for it. Once your baby is a little used to the puree, you can gradually increase the amount of puree. 

Certain fruits for a certain age

The onset of purees is recommended at the age of 6 months and initially only certain fruits are recommended due to the risk of allergies. Always start getting used to the new fruit gradually and over time.

In this way, you will be able to assess your baby’s tolerance to the fetus. Wait at least three days before you start getting used to the next fruit. Read on to find out what fruit you can give to a baby of any age.

6 months

Watermelon, grapes without seeds and peels, plums, bananas, pears, apples, kiwis, pineapples and mangoes.

After 6 months

Some pediatricians recommend giving citrus fruits such as oranges and mandarins at the age of six months, while others recommend waiting until the age of 12 months for possible allergic reactions.

12 months

fruit purees suitable for baby

Peach and apricot can be given to a 1-year-old.

After 12 months

According to some pediatrician recommendations, it is a good idea to wait until your child is 1 year old before giving them berries. Others recommend waiting up to 15 months for possible allergic reactions.

After 24 months

Dried fruits can be given to 2-year-olds.

Manufacture of fruit purées

  • Choose a fruit that is sure to be ripe. Avoid buying raw fruits.
  • Wash the fruit well.
  • Peel, chop into small pieces and remove seeds, stones and grains.
  • Cook the fruit flesh by steaming or cooking.
  • Transfer the cooked fruit to a blender and stir until the mixture is smooth and lump-free.
  • Let it cool.
  • Serve on a plate as you feed your baby.
  • Do not add sugar, as the puree already has enough of the fruit’s own sugar. Sugar is not good for a child’s health and it is not good to teach him because it increases obesity.
  • Once your baby has tasted different fruits, you can combine different flavors.

Fruit puree recipes for babies

1. Mango and apple

baby benefits from fruit purees: mangosteen is delicious


  • 2 dl chopped mango
  • 2 dl chopped apples


  • Wash, peel and chop the fruit.
  • Put 1 dl of water on the bottom of the steam boiler.
  • Steam the fruit for about 2 minutes until soft.
  • Put the fruit pieces in a blender and puree evenly.
  • Put the puree on a plate and allow to cool before serving.

2. Banana, pear and apple


  • 1/4 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1/4 banana
  • less than 1 dl of water


  • Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the fruit into small pieces.
  • Add water to the pot and cook the pear and apple for 15 min. Remove the kettle from the hob.
  • Transfer the softened pear and apple to a bowl and add the banana.
  • Add a little water and mash the fruit until the puree is smooth and lump-free.

If approved by your pediatrician,  you can add 1 dl of porridge flakes to add carbohydrates to your baby’s diet. Try these fruit purees for your baby and you will improve your baby’s diet.

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