Avoid These Foods If You Have Diverticulosis (basal Bowel Disease)

Avoid these foods if you have diverticulosis (a disease of the appendix)

Diverticulosis, a disease of the appendix of the intestine, is a disease in which the appendixes (i.e., diverticles) form when the weakened areas of the colon bulge like small spheres or lumps. This causes malaise and pain when eating certain foods. Learn what foods to avoid if you have been diagnosed with this disease.

What you should know about diverticulosis

As we said, diverticulosis causes small sacs or bulges, bumps, or swollen particles in the intestine, more specifically in the wall of the colon.

This is a very common disease that has almost no symptoms, with the exception of digestive waste and food particles that can get stuck in these bulges or diverticles, which make them full of bacteria. In this case, there is usually pain on the left side of the lower abdomen, which is the first sign of a problem. This is especially important if you suffer from diarrhea followed by constipation, fever, nausea and vomiting.

digestive system

After experiencing your first “diverticulosis episode,” you have up to a 45 percent risk of it recurring. Doctors recommend not eating at all, or at least avoiding the following foods as far as possible so that the problem does not get worse.

Which foods are on the list of banned patients with diverticulosis?

  • Whole seeds. The seeds are good peeled and ground.
  • Berries with small seeds as these can be difficult to digest.
  • Avoid  cross-flowered vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.
  • Raw fruit with peel or small seeds.
  • Meat and protein. Choose tender or sliced ​​meat, fish (whatever happens) and eggs as your main source of protein. These foods do not irritate the colon and are easily digested.
  • Shells, pasta, spices. These three are forbidden because they cause more inflammation than what this disease causes. This means that fruits, vegetables and meat must be peeled and skinless. Very hot spices are also bad.
  • Do not eat strong cheeses as they contain a high dose of casein which is bad for diverticulosis.
  • Make sure the vegetables you eat are well cooked before eating. Good cooking softens the fibers and makes them easier to digest.
  • Carbonated beverages.  Coffee, tea, mate drinks, cocoa, soft drinks and caffeinated drinks. They all irritate the gut. When you consume caffeine, the muscles of the colon contract and this allows the water in the feces to be removed from the body, thus causing further constipation. If it is difficult to stop drinking coffee, start by switching to decaffeinated, but try to stop drinking it completely as soon as possible.

Tips, advice and treatments for diverticulosis

when diverticulosis strikes, drink plenty of water

  • Drink lots of water (six to eight glasses a day).
  • Go to the bathroom even if you don’t have a hard toilet emergency. Do not try to suppress the need to go to the bathroom, as it can make the situation worse.
  • Exercise – especially the muscles of the legs, hips and colon, which makes it easier to move the bowel.
  • Do not use laxatives or enemas if you have constipation as they can irritate the intestines even more and make it dependent on them because bowel movements are not working properly.
  • Avoid eating foods that are highly processed or fatty, spicy or sugary, or fried foods.
  • Avoid foods that contain whole seeds. Chew well before swallowing, as small particles can get stuck between diverticles (closed bags) and thus cause pain and inflammation.
  • Eat porridge, vegetable purees and cooked fruits. You can make smoothies without flesh, which promotes recovery during treatment.

Plants recommended for the treatment of diverticulosis

  • Chamomile : Reduces inflammation and provides relief. Drink chamomile tea at least once a day.
chamomile helps with diverticulosis

  • Mint: Used to relieve bloating, pain, nausea and gas. Drink up to three glasses of mint tea a day.
  • Oregano reduces the inflammation of the colon.
  • Thyme: a good source of fiber, a reliever of pain and cramps, and also contains anti-inflammatory ingredients. You can use it to season soups, sauces or salads.
  • Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory that can be used for all types of inflammation and to reduce diverticles (closed bags).

Photos – Paul Hey Studios, Orin Zebest, Memi Beltrame and woodleywonderwork.

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