Ankle Osteoarthritis Is A Silent And Common Disease

Osteoarthritis of the ankles worsens the quality of life of a great many people. This is an invisible and difficult to banish disease that restricts mobility. In addition, the pain it causes does not always go away, even if painkillers are taken to help.
Ankle osteoarthritis is a silent and common disease

Although many often mention the ailments caused by the wear of their hips or knees, ankle osteoarthritis is also a very common type of osteoarthritis and is one of the degenerative diseases of the body.

With regard to this disease, it is worth remembering that the  ankle joint is a very important factor in a person’s ability to walk. In fact, its function is vital, as the posture of our body forms a line that includes the hips, knees, and feet, and these parts should be in harmony with each other.

There are several factors that affect the fragile health and durability of all the complex structures that make up an ankle joint.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is an awkward affliction and is a real curse for the quality of life of those who suffer from it. In the following, we will tell you more about this disease – keep reading!

How does ankle osteoarthritis develop?

This type of osteoarthritis is caused by progressive wear and tear on the cartilage of the ankle joint. It is common for ankles to become stiff and to develop deformities as a person ages.

Typically, there may also be a protrusion of the bone outward, which makes this problem very painful and can limit everyday life.


ankle osteoarthritis causes pain

The causes that contribute to ankle osteoarthritis can be many:

  • if you have had multiple sprains
  • you are an athlete
  • you have cysts or abnormal bone growth

Autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis, also often progressively lead to this problem.

  • Traumatologists also say that there is a strange version of this condition that involves a deformity of the ankle itself. This means that a person sometimes develops osteoarthritis more likely over time simply because he or she has flaccid legs.

Finally, the fact that  there is no definite cause of ankle osteoarthritis should be mentioned. Sometimes you may develop a disease known as primary osteoarthritis, which is mainly an ailment in older people.

What are the symptoms of ankle arthritis?

The first warning of cartilage wear in this joint is the pain that occurs when walking. You will start to notice this pain after a long walk.

  • Pressure or clearer and sharper pain in the ankle area begins to be felt when walking and forces the ankle to rest for  a few minutes to relieve the pain.
  • Later, the ankle may swell and may even cause difficulty when wearing certain types of shoes.
  • In addition, many patients complain of pain during the night.
  • There may also be a painful  protrusion of the heel, which we mentioned earlier. This phenomenon develops gradually and is due to progressive ankle deformity.

What treatments are available for ankle osteoarthritis?

x-ray of the foot

Ankle joint injections

One of the most common treatments is injections made from hyaluronic acid or corticosteroids.

Injections improve joint mobility momentarily as they “moisturize” it, but here it should be remembered that the effect is really only temporary.

Special insoles

Expert opinion is very important in these cases. You will thus receive recommendations for appropriate treatments based on your own symptoms.

  • Another common strategy is to use corrective insoles. They are designed to shape and correct foot deformity.
  • They also help reduce the harmful effects of force when walking on the ankle, and they promote pain relief.
  • There is also a type of footwear available that comes with special ankle care insoles.

Surgical procedures for the treatment of ankle osteoarthritis

When a traumatologist says that surgery is necessary, the solution is to alleviate this disease through endoscopy.

  • This is an effective solution in the early stages of the disease, when the joint is repaired in a simple and generally quick way.
  • If, on the other hand, the case is very serious, and when the destruction of the joint is already very advanced, a complete ankle prosthesis can also be introduced.

This allows the patient to have full joint mobility again  .

How can ankle osteoarthritis be prevented?

water exercise helps with ankle osteoarthritis

On this subject, it should not be forgotten that ankle osteoarthritis can turn into a paralyzing disease. It is therefore worth trying to combat it as well as possible in order to at least slow down the progression of the disease.

So take a look at some simple strategies to fight this disease:

  • Do mobility-enhancing activities in the pool.
  • Walk on surfaces with no unevenness.
  • Keep your weight at a healthy level.
  • Avoid wearing high heels.
  • Always try to walk barefoot in your home, as this is the least dangerous way to walk in case of ankle osteoarthritis.

Finally, another important fact regarding the causes of osteoarthritis: this disease is a problem whose main cause is hereditary factors. It is common for symptoms of ankle osteoarthritis to begin appearing around the age of 55.

Ask your traumatologist for techniques or advice that may be helpful to treat joint health, or at least to effectively prevent ankle osteoarthritis from progressing.

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