Skincare With Organic Products

Organic products in beauty care are a clear favorite right now. They are of better quality and provide more nutrients to the skin. Numerous better and cheaper solutions are obtained from nature than a large part of the shops’ finished products.
Skin care with organic products

There has been a lot of talk lately about natural skin care products and organic products. Some choose them because they have sensitive skin and need to avoid products that contain chemicals. For others, skin care with organic products is suitable for environmental thinking.

In any case, organic products are a good choice, and now we want to tell you about seven natural products that will help you take good care of your skin.

An organic product is one that has been produced in a way that ensures that both people and the environment are not harmed.

Nothing toxic is used in the manufacture of such products – not chemicals, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, hormones or chemical fertilizers.

In the cosmetics industry, this means using natural ingredients instead of those containing chemicals (often obtained from crude oil). The goal is to use products that are well suited to the biochemical composition of the skin.

Nutrients are better preserved in organic products because they have more antioxidants. One of the safest and often also the cheapest ways to protect your skin is to use organic products.

Skin care with organic products: the best organic ingredients

1. Aloe Vera

This is an ideal product for combating wrinkles. Aloe Vera promotes skin regeneration, which accelerates the natural process of cell renewal.

2. Honey


This is used as a facial moisturizer as it contains silicone which  prevents the skin from sagging. For most of us, this phenomenon occurs in the neck area.

3. Egg

Eggs are rich in vitamins A, B, D and E, which promote skin health. They also contain lecithin, which is a very effective moisturizer.

4. Avocado


Because avocados have a high nutritional value and effective antioxidant properties, they are used in many masks  to prevent skin wrinkles and dryness.

5. Green tea

Green tea contains natural antioxidants that  regulate cell activity and improve skin health. In addition, this tea has excellent properties for cell regeneration.

It also gives you tannins, which are astringent factors and are an ideal help for acne sufferers.

6. Bananas


Banana fruit flesh and peel are both excellent help in  rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin and removing dark under-eye circles.

7. Olive oil

This natural exfoliator helps prevent dry skin.

The benefits of organic skin care

Organic products are worth choosing for a variety of reasons – their benefits include all of the following:

  • They do not damage your skin as they do not contain chemicals or toxic substances that your skin will absorb.
  • They do not harm the environment.  When you switch off chemical products, you protect the soil, air and water.
  • They are of better quality and contain more nutrients. Their benefits are better preserved.
  • With them, there is a lower risk of skin irritation or other side effects as there are no artificial chemicals involved.
  • They are softer and more gentle on the skin.
  • They reduce the risk of getting certain diseases.
  • They promote the youthfulness of the skin.
  • They fight wrinkles and skin blemishes caused by aging.
  • They promote skin softness and overall well-being.

Many organic skin treatments are easy to prepare at home. Although the skin is “designed” to recover from all injuries, there are some environmental factors that can interfere with this process, and the skin then needs more vitamins and nutrients.

Remember to always be gentle with your skin if you want it to stay healthy and beautiful.

Skin care with organic products in general

Organic products and foods strengthen a person’s resistance,  reduce the chance of developing certain diseases, improve sleep quality and help lose weight. There is a long list of other reasons to choose all-natural products instead of artificial ones:

  • They are healthy as they do not contain chemicals, artificial fertilizers, insecticides or the like.
  • They have no residues of hormonal compounds.
  • Organic products are nutritious and contain more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and natural sugars.
  • Their taste, aroma and color are better. They use only natural ingredients, so the quality of the nutrients does not suffer.
  • They do not harm the environment.
  • They do not pollute water areas with their chemicals.
  • They are not harmful to the soil.
  • Their environmentally friendly production methods contribute to biodiversity.

Natural recipes for skin care

It is very important to take care of facial skin. It is exposed daily to aggressive environmental factors that cause a wide range of reactions such as pimples and acne.

So always be careful when choosing skin care products. Here are a few recipes to treat your skin in a natural way:

1. Toner from rose water

This is a good choice for all skin types and its scent is awesome.


  • 20 g of white rose petals
  • 1 liter of water

Manufacture and use

  • Put the leaves in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Bring the water to a boil and place it in a jar according to the petals.
  • Allow the liquid to cool.
  • Strain and place the liquid in a spray bottle or container with a lid.
  • Put face water in the morning  after showering before using other care products, and in the evening before going to bed.
  • Allow your skin to dry without using a towel.

2. Oat honey mask

This mask is a great help for oily skin that easily develops acne. Namely, oats are able to absorb too much fat.


  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 drops of lavender oil
  • Juice of half a lemon

Manufacture and use

  • Mix the ingredients into a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to clean skin.
  • Leave on for half an hour.
  • Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.
  • Wear this mask once a week.

3. Peeling agent from sugar and almond oil

skin care with organic products: organic sugar

This mixture is ideal for dry skin. It moisturizes deeply and makes the skin clean and soft. It also removes blackheads that easily enter the T-area of ​​the face.


  • 1 tablespoon organic sugar
  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • 100 g of natural yogurt

Manufacture and use

  • Mix the ingredients into a paste.
  • You can add more sugar if you want.
  • Use the paste in the mornings before using other products, or in the evenings before going to bed.
  • Put the paste a little on your fingertips and then rub the facial skin gently.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

You can buy care products made from natural ingredients, for example, in stores specializing in health products.  Organic products (avocados, bananas, sugar, etc.) can now also be bought a lot from supermarkets. They help make your skin care routine better and don’t leave behind chemicals that can damage your skin.

Using natural products is a healthy choice that keeps your skin better clean and free of pimples.

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