Natural Treatments For Child Anorexia

First, it is important to ensure that the child’s anorexia is not due to a health problem. So take the child to the doctor.
Natural treatments for child anorexia

An anorexic child can cause a lot of concern for parents, who often do not know how to solve the problem. It can also stress a child who is forced to eat more than he or she would like. It would be important to treat weak appetite naturally, without forcing the child to eat. In this article, we introduce a variety of natural treatments for a child’s anorexia so that he or she can get all the nutrients he or she needs.

Why doesn’t the child eat?

Many children go through stages when their appetite is weak. In some cases, it is a transient phase that does not last long. Sometimes, however, it can be longer lasting and lead to weight loss, which can be of great concern to parents.

Reasons for a child’s anorexia include:

  • Food Tolerances: When a child’s anorexia only affects certain foods, there may sometimes be intolerance to them. This may be the case, for example, for milk, flour or dried fruit. Consider a possible digestive problem.
  • Anemia: Iron deficiency may be one cause of a child’s anorexia. In this case, you need to make sure your child’s diet is balanced and varied. You can also add iron-rich foods to your child’s diet.
  • Intestinal parasites: Parasites are very common in children as they often put their hands in their mouths. However, the symptoms may go unnoticed or may be confused with other problems. In addition to anorexia, the symptoms of intestinal problems include e.g. nervousness, dilated pupils, and itchy nose or anus.
  • Emotional Problems: Don’t ignore potential emotional problems. For example, problems in the family or around a child can affect his or her appetite.
  • Other illnesses: If the child’s appetite does not recover quickly or is too great, take the child to a doctor. Your doctor may take tests to rule out any illness.

Before resorting to medications, remember their harmful side effects. It is recommended to try natural treatments first, in addition to a balanced diet and good lifestyle.

Natural treatments for child anorexia

1. Pollen

Pollen helps a child with anorexia.

Pollen is a superfood that can be a solution to a child’s nutrient deficiencies, such as anemia. It should be eaten ground before a meal, dosed according to age.

2. Beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is an excellent supplement to increase appetite and support healthy physical and mental growth.

3. Kärsämö

Kärsämö is a medicinal plant that increases appetite.

Kärsämö is a medicinal plant that increases appetite and aids digestion. It is also used to prevent and kill intestinal parasites, which can be one cause of anorexia.

4. Bluegrass

Alfalfa is a very alkaline and healthy food that is ideally suited for preventing numerous health problems.

  • In addition to increasing appetite, it fights heartburn and prevents stomach ulcers.

5. Original recipes

When food rations are attractive, a child’s diet also expands.

Try to prepare tempting-looking portions of food for your child to try out new taste experiences. Food can be made into art, for example, by splitting it into different patterns.

If your child does not want to eat legumes, fish or vegetables, you can try making fillings or dough from these ingredients. For example, using chickpea flour is a good way to get your child to eat legumes.

6. Take the child to the kitchen for help

Children should help in the kitchen according to their abilities, depending on age. This also helps increase their appetite, and they want to eat the food they make themselves.

7. Exercise

Exercise increases appetite.


A major problem for today’s children is a lack of exercise due to new technology, city life, or excessive work by parents. However, it is very important that children play and move every day.

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