Easy Appetizer Recipe: Miniempanadat

If you’re organizing an evening party and don’t know what you’d make, tasty miniempanadas are a great option for an appetizer.
An easy appetizer recipe: miniempanadas

When friends and family gather in the Caribbean and South America, empanados are usually involved. These miniempanadas  are easy and quick to make and taste delicious.

There are a wide variety of them, so they are easy to adapt to the event and taste buds. So you have no reason not to give these miniempanados a chance.

Mini empanadas are slightly different from traditional empanadas. The size (and thus also the baking time) is smaller as they are miniempanades for appetizers. They go well with garlic, onion or any homemade sauce.

Miniempanadat- the perfect appetizer

They are usually stuffed with chopped beef or chicken, but just like salads, they are like blank boards. In other words, you can fill them with any filling you want! You can also fry them either in oil in a pan or in the oven; they retain their special, delicious taste in both ways.

These miniempanadas are full of calories and protein, but the chef has a lot of leeway. You are the one who can make them healthier if they want to; it all depends on the quality of the raw materials and the method of preparation.

miniempanadas of minced meat

How to make miniempanadas

You might think,  “This requires too much work if I just invite a few friends to the village. I’m just going to buy a bag of chips ”.

Surely you would save a good time that way, but when you think about your health and having a good time with friends, you might think differently.

You are probably aware that chips are full of processed fats and harmful monosodium glutamate (MSG). Monosodium glutamate is an additive that basically makes you feel good when you eat it.

There is also another, much simpler reason for choosing homemade miniempanados.

What is it?

You know every ingredient that goes into them and you are personally responsible for what you put in your mouth, no one else.

So now you know the pros and cons of this delicious recipe (if you want to say it that way) and it’s time to head to the kitchen. Take a moment to make this appetizer that makes everyone say “Nam!”.

Please note that these miniempanadas taste much better with sunflower oil. However, don’t worry if you prefer to cook them in the oven instead of frying them in the pan.

Ingredients for miniempanades

  • 1 tomato
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ paprika
  • 400 ml of water
  • 2 medium onions
  • 600 g of cut meat
  • 500 g cornmeal
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted margarine or butter
  • 2 tablespoons cumin


  • Rolling pin
  • 2 glass containers
  • Frying pan or oven pan
finished miniempanadas

Manufacture of miniempanades

  • First, wash all vegetables. Drain well and set aside.
  • Then chop the onion, tomato and red pepper.
  • Saute the vegetables in margarine, butter or oil in a frying pan.
  • Add the chopped meat, salt and cumin for a couple of minutes. Stir well and fry over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  • Next, it’s time to make the dough. Put water and cornmeal in a medium bowl, and throw in a pinch of salt.
  • Knead it with a flat and formable dough on your hands.
  • Take a handful of dough and roll it evenly and round with a rolling pin, then add the filling in the middle.
  • Fold it in half and close the edges with your fingertips. Put in oil in a hot pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. (Or bake in the oven.)
  • Enjoy the miniempanadas as is or with the sauce you love (the godfather you just want). Enjoy your meal!

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