What Keeps The Teeth Of Tibetan Monks White?

Tibetan monks keep their teeth in good condition, for for them the body is the temple of the soul. Thanks to these monks, we too can take advantage of certain effective treatments to get the awesome teeth that so many of us aspire to.
What keeps the teeth of Tibetan monks white?

Teeth and their care. How do monks ’teeth stay so white? Tibetan monks are known for their isolation from the practical world  so that they can immerse themselves in the spiritual dimension. Buddhist monks seek to separate themselves from the desires of the body, for only in this way do they feel able to attain inner peace.

Nevertheless, they must guarantee the well-being of their physical body, for the body is home to man’s most precious resource — the soul.  That’s why it’s good to know a little bit about this culture so we can learn from it to improve our own quality of life.

Everyone knows that practitioners of this religion live far from cities, so they don’t have supermarkets within walking distance. They also do not visit the dentist regularly. How, then, can it be explained that the teeth of Tibetan monks are an excellent example of strength and whiteness?

We in the West will never have the kind of white teeth these monks have in their mouths unless we invest in special products such as pastes, whitening creams and gels. And yet some will never achieve the brilliant teeth these men have.

Remember, there is also great dental care behind the white teeth of Tibetan monks. For them, appearance is secondary in this respect.

Legendary recipe: this is how you keep your teeth white

The monks do not have shops to help them, but they do have natural treatments that help them care for their bodies according to religion.

Based on these excellent results, this time we want to tell you about a  recipe that allows you to make a traditional toothpaste that has been proven to have great effectiveness.

What is needed for this recipe?

  • Kosher salt or iodine-free salt. This is a pure type of salt that Jews use to season and preserve their foods. It can be purchased at health food stores or pharmacies.
  • Water.

As you can see, you don’t need many products, so making this treatment is very easy. Keep reading and try it for yourself!

Quantities required

  • 100 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Boil the water and allow it to cool slightly.
  • Add a tablespoon of kosher salt.
  • Let the mixture stand for at least a minute.
  • Strain off any foam that may be on the surface.
  • If you’re very busy and you only have a little time, you can boil more water and put liquid in savings.

How is this paste put on the teeth?

You can see the salt crystals in your mixture. They are key to the effectiveness of this toothpaste, but let’s first look at how the toothpaste should be used.

  • Put crystals on your toothbrush.
  • Brush your teeth as usual, and don’t forget to do this in a rotating motion to make sure the crystals get to all points.
  • Then rinse your mouth with the same mixture of water and salt.
  • Repeat this three times a day.

As you can see, this is a simple and inexpensive manufacturing process that doesn’t take much more than a minute of your time.

If you are having dinner away from home but still want to stay in your dental routine, you can take this mixture with you in your bag. You only need a small amount, so the effort is not great, but the benefits are guaranteed to be considerable.

Other tips for healthy teeth

White teeth

Anyway, Tibetan monks have ways that are worth embracing in addition to this dental care.

First, they do not smoke or drink alcohol. They see these substances as toxins, with the goal of mixing what is important and what is not.

You may not agree with this, but avoiding these products will prevent stains and wear and tear on your teeth.

Likewise, monks avoid eating sugar, as well as ingesting commercial desserts and fatty products, so they get a head start on keeping their teeth white this way too.

Almost all the foods we eat today contain these ingredients, and in addition, they have artificial colors that make it even more difficult to achieve our goals.

Instead, monks eat plenty of vegetables and organically produced foods. These are less abrasive because they are not as abundant in bacteria, and in addition they do not contain any chemicals at all that can attack tooth enamel and cause cavities.

The recipe we present is ancient and comes from a culture where people have long and healthy lives.

This homemade toothpaste is also harmless, but if you don’t think it’s helpful for you, of course you can stop using it at any point and brush your teeth as usual.

However, it’s worth a try – then tell me what the results are for your own teeth!

We look forward to hearing from your own experiences.


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