Four Face Masks To Revitalize The Skin

These gelatin masks rich in collagen-derived amino acids make your skin glow like a movie star!
Four face masks to revitalize the skin

Do you like jellies? It is very likely that the answer is “yes” as they are really delicious in taste and texture. But that’s not the only great thing about them: jelly head raw material is gelatin, meaning gelatin is also good for the skin! Continue reading on how to regenerate your skin with gelatin.

Try some of these face masks – you’re sure to like the results and start using them regularly. The best thing about these masks is that they are very affordable, easy to manufacture and simple to use.

Why is it worth revitalizing your skin with gelatin?

Before you make any of these gelatin-based face masks, you’ll want to know the good reasons why skin rejuvenation is worth using at all.

First, you should know that gelatin, or gelatin, is a combination of amino acids derived from collagen. Yes, collagen is also the ingredient found in many very expensive creams we buy to look better!

The two amino acids found in large amounts in gelatin are glycine and proline. Both are derived from bones, cartilage and other similar parts of animals.

These amino acids are essential for getting soft skin and promoting hair and nail growth. In addition to this, they also improve resistance and regulate weight.

Skin revitalization with gelatin, i.e. gelatin

gelatin powder

A common question regarding these masks is, can any jelly be used on them? The answer is no. The only gelatin that should be used in these recipes is unflavoured gelatin. It is inexpensive and is available in small, very thin strips or in powder form.

Try both options if you’ve never used them before, and see which one is easier for you to use.

1. Gelatin mask of kiwi and papaya

Do you want softer skin with no visible dead skin cells? Try this option. When you pull off the mask, you will see it remove all the small particles that make the skin look hazy.


  • 2 tablespoons gelatin
  • 1 dl papaya juice
  • 1 dl kiwi juice


  • Mix the juices together and gradually add the gelatin to it.
  • Heat all ingredients over high heat and stir constantly until well blended.
  • When all three ingredients are well mixed, remove from the heat and refrigerate for 15 minutes or until the mixture is slightly more solid but still liquid.
  • Apply the mask on cleansed face and allow to dry completely.
  • Start removing the mask from the chin towards the buy.
  • Wash your face with cold water to remove any residue.

Skin rejuvenation requires a lot of vitamin C, as well as enzymes, in kiwi and papaya juices. For this reason, they are ideally suited to give your face a healthy glow while gelatin removes impurities. Wear a mask once a week.

2. Gelatin mask for cucumber and lemon

skin regeneration in the throat

In addition to dead skin cells, do you have acne and scars on your face? In that case, we recommend this mask. The acidity of lemon helps to remove the deepest impurities, while cucumber moisturizes the skin.


  • 2 tablespoons powdered gelatin
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


  • Peel a cucumber and cut it into pieces.
  • Mix the cucumber and lemon juice in a blender.
  • Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and place the saucepan over low heat.
  • Add the gelatin and stir constantly until the mixture becomes thick.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Once it has cooled, you can easily apply the mask to your face.
  • Leave on face until it dries completely.
  • Remove the mask from the chin towards the forehead and then wash your face with cold water.
  • Apply the moisturizer you want on your face.

It is important to avoid constant exposure to the sun for a few days after wearing this mask.

3. Milk gelatin mask

This gelatin mask works very well in removing blackheads. The lactic acid contained in the milk removes the deepest impurities, so gelatin gets a better effect.


  • 1 tablespoon gelatin
  • 1 tablespoon milk


  • Mix the gelatin with the milk until it completely dissolves there.
  • Put the mixture in the microwave and heat for 5 seconds.
  • Allow to cool slightly and then apply to the T-zone or other areas covered by Blackheads.
  • Allow the mask to dry and then remove it from the chin up toward the forehead.
  • Wash your face with cold water and repeat once a week.

4. Mask of aloe vera and green tea

skin revitalization with aloe vera

This face mask is very refreshing and moisturizing. We recommend it especially when you have been burned in the sun and your skin is suffering the consequences.


  • 3 tablespoons gelatin
  • 2 tablespoons aloe Vera gel
  • 50 ml of green tea


  • When the green tea is still hot, add gelatin and aloe Vera.
  • Mix well until the mixture is pasty in composition.
  • Apply the paste on the face while it is still warm and allow to dry completely.
  • Remove the mask and remove the residue with cold water without rubbing the skin.

If the sunburn is severe, you can apply a little aloe vera gel to it after using the mask. This helps reduce discomfort faster. Take advantage of these care instructions and you will find that skin rejuvenation with their help is effective and easy!

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