How To Fight Baldness By Natural Means

Baldness can affect both men and women, for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to know more about it in order to fight hair loss in the best possible way.
How to fight baldness by natural means

All people lose 70-100 hairs a day. While it is perfectly normal,  abnormal hair loss is one in which more than 100 hairs are shed per day. In such a case, the person suffers from alopecia, i.e. baldness.

People with baldness usually lose their hair, but it can also affect:

  • Eyelids
  • For eyelashes
  • Beard
  • Underarms
  • Genital area

In this article, we are going to tell you more about baldness, its causes, symptoms, contraceptives and the best natural treatments.

Causes of baldness

Here are some causes of baldness:

  • Genetic factors
  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism
  • Infectious diseases
  • Medicines (especially certain medicines used in chemotherapy, anabolic medicines, painkillers and medicines used to treat vitamin A poisoning and hypercholesterolaemia)
  • Iron deficiency or anemia

Symptoms of baldness

In men, baldness usually occurs at the hairline and scalp. Hair loss is different in women. Some of the less common forms of baldness can cause itching or pain in the scalp.

  • If you notice a lot of hair on your pillow when you wake up, it may be a sign that you are losing more hair than you should.
  • If you leave a lot of hair every time you wash your hair, it can be a sign of baldness. You may also lose a lot of hair when brushing or combing. 
  • Excessive dandruff or sebum  can be a cause of hair loss.

Birth control

Of course, the most useful method is to prevent baldness. Healthy lifestyles are important here. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about genetic factors.

  • A healthy lifestyle ( no smoking, proper nutrition , and avoiding excessive sun) can be a benefit to hair health.
  • Drink plenty of water. Just like other Body Parts, hair needs enough moisturizer to look shiny and be healthy and strong. So you should get used to drinking about two liters (8 glasses) of water a day to fight baldness.

The effect of baldness on daily life

man mourning baldness

Baldness is without a doubt one of the most common global cosmetic problems. It even affects many people mentally. It can therefore cause a lack of self-esteem or even bullying in the workplace or in private life.

Natural treatments against and to treat baldness

1. Carrot juice and coconut milk

Carrots contain vitamins B6 and B12 as well as antioxidants that help  strengthen hair and keep it healthy. Coconut milk contains vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and minerals.

All of these ingredients will keep your hair healthier and stronger.


  • 2 carrots
  • 250 ml of coconut milk


  • Put both ingredients in a blender and  mix for about 3-4 minutes  until the mixture is smooth.
  • Apply it to the hair without strain it and  leave on for 30 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

2. Apple cider vinegar

fight baldness with apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is a great natural help in combating hair loss caused by excessive sebum. It also helps stimulate its blood circulation.


  • Apple cider vinegar


  • Apply apple cider vinegar to hair and rub gently on scalp.
  • After 45 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

Recommendations for preventing hair loss

Here are some recommendations to help you prevent and alleviate this problem:

  • Stress prevention. Activities such as yoga, laughter therapy, or chi and exercise help produce endorphins and reduce stress.
  • Treat potential health problems: depression, anxiety, or anemia if you suffer from any of them.
  • Keep your diet healthy and balanced, with plenty of iron, antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamins A, B, C, and E. It helps to strengthen the hair and give the hair follicle energy.
  • Use  soft brushes and avoid tight hairstyles  as well as the use of pushers.
  • Avoid smoking:  this method weakens the hair follicle quickly.

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