Improve Your Memory With This Spice

Would you like to improve your memory? Adding this spice to your diet can help!
Improve your memory with this spice

If you like turmeric, congratulations, because science now has good news in that regard. According to a study published in March 2017, eating turmeric can help improve memory in a very short time. Improve your memory and get started today!

The origin of turmeric

turmeric powder and whole

Turmeric is originally from India. It is a plant that just resembles a lot of ginger. It is commonly used as a spice in Asia.

Recent studies have shown that turmeric e.g. strengthen the immune system. In addition, it has anti-cancer properties and contains antioxidants.

Another study of turmeric, in which the control group received placebo, examined the effects of curcumin, a compound found in one turmeric, in mentally healthy adults aged 70-85 years. The goal was to see if the spice affected short- or long-term memory.

Turmeric against placebo

turmeric powder and sliced

Already an hour after eating this spice, the subjects in the study performed better on memory-intensive tasks. Four weeks later, those who ate turmeric reported an increase in their energy levels, which was also reflected in their mood, which had improved significantly.

What about subjects who received placebo? There were no changes in them, and their memory did not improve at any point.

Turmeric and Alzheimer’s disease

However, the effects of turmeric do not end there: this spice is also ideal for people with Alzheimer’s. Patients with this disease have certain symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, anxiety and apathy. However, according to the results of another study, consuming turmeric could be the solution to their problems.

In this study, subjects ingested 100 mg of Curcumin every day for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, they felt a significant improvement in their symptoms and no adverse effects occurred.

However, if you are taking any medication, it is best to check with your doctor before eating curcumin; it may affect your medication.

Improve your memory with turmeric

lots of turmeric powder on a plate

If you want to start eating turmeric as part of your diet, keep the following recommendations in mind.

  • Remember that the right amount of turmeric added to foods is one teaspoon.
  • It goes well with other spices such as cumin or pepper. You can add it to rice, pasta, soups, sauces, beans, salads and cooked vegetables, for example.
  • You can also use turmeric in egg or fish meals. It is a great substitute for saffron as it is much more affordable, although it tastes different and may be a little stronger.

It is therefore important to consume turmeric in moderation. It has a strong flavor that not everyone likes.

Despite all its health benefits, turmeric is not recommended for pregnant women or those who have severe problems with the gallbladder.  Instead, it is great for people with skin problems.

You can use turmeric as a powder. It treats problems such as fungus, ankles and psoriasis. It also provides excellent protection for the body from free radicals by eliminating any harmful substances that can make you sick.

Improve your memory with turmeric!

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