Repair Damaged Hair Naturally

Repair damaged hair naturally

Damaged hair looks dry, it oxidizes and breaks easily. Bifurcated, hair tangles and fluffs easily.

Many things can damage the hair, but most often the oxidation of the hair is due to excessive use of a hair dryer or other styling tools, dyeing or other chemical treatment, or exposure to the sun.

Damaged hair can look lifeless and its shine is lost. Hair repair and revitalization can be difficult, but not impossible. By using the right products and caring for the hair properly, its shine, strength and softness will be restored.

In this article, we will explore a few natural ways to repair damaged, brittle hair. Try their power for yourself!

Mask of aloe vera and beer

If you find your hair looks dry, greasy, lifeless or badly damaged, this natural hair mask will help restore your hair to its former glory.


  • Half a glass of beer
  • Two aloe vera leaves
  • Olive oil

You can use the aloe Vera you have grown yourself or buy the gel directly from the store. If you own an aloe plant, cut out two leaves and scrape the gel out with a spoon. Mix the gel with the beer and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Stir until the ingredients combine to form a smooth mixture and apply throughout the hair from the scalp to the tops. Rub the mask gently with your fingers on the scalp. Leave the mask on for half an hour and then wash your hair normally.

Mask of avocado


The avocado mask is great especially for those who suffer from fluffy, broken hair and bifurcated. The fatty acids and nutrients contained in avocado deeply moisturize the hair and repair damage, making the hair soft and shiny.


  • Ripe banana
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Avocado

Peel and mash the avocado and stir in the mashed banana. Add a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and stir the mask until smooth. Apply to hair and rub thoroughly especially on tops. Leave on for an hour and rinse thoroughly.

Mayonnaise for hair

Mayonnaise is great for hair care, as it quickly restores hair shine, strength and moisturizes the hair from the root. You don’t need ingredients other than mayonnaise, so prepare the mayonnaise yourself or buy a jar at the store. Rub a decent dose into damp hair and leave on for half an hour before rinsing with warm water. Wash your hair normally with shampoo after rinsing.

Almond oil

damaged hair

Almond is a natural moisturizer that treats not only the hair but also the scalp. Almond oil moisturizes and strengthens the hair, eliminates dryness and prevents hair loss. Rub a small amount of oil directly into the hair or mix the oil with a drop of honey.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular ingredients in natural hair care. The pH balance of apple cider vinegar is close to the hair’s own pH, so it doesn’t dry out the hair. Apple cider vinegar brings shine back to dry and lifeless hair and also prevents the formation of dandruff. Dilute the vinegar with water and pour into the hair, for example, from the mouth of the bottle.

Coconut butter

Coconut butter is great for hair care as it effectively moisturizes dry hair. Soften some desi coconut butter in a microwave or saucepan and apply to hair. Rub coconut butter especially on the tops and other dry spots in the hair. Let the butter act for 10 minutes before rinsing. Wash your hair normally with shampoo after treatment.

Argan oil

Argan oil effectively repairs damaged hair and the effects of its use are noticed in the hair immediately after a single application. Argan oil is a powerful moisturizer that penetrates deep into the hair and repairs it from the inside out. Add a drop of oil to the conditioner or shampoo, or rub a small amount directly into the hair and allow to absorb without washing it off. Argan oil makes damaged hair shiny again!

Rosemary shampoo

damaged hair

Rosemary is suitable for dry and unpolished hair and helps reduce hair breakage. Mix five drops of essential rosemary oil with 20 ml of regular shampoo, add one egg yolk and stir until you get a smooth mixture. Rub into hair, leave on for a moment and rinse off. Always prepare the mixture fresh when using it, as the egg should be used immediately.


The aforementioned gimmicks are effective ways to repair damaged hair and in addition to these treatments, you should also try rubbing your scalp. By massaging the scalp every time you shampoo, you speed up the blood circulation in the scalp and enliven the hair from the root. The lively blood circulation in the scalp keeps the hair healthy and prevents hair loss.

Remember that in order to keep your hair beautiful, shiny, soft and dandruff-free, it is important to take constant care of your hair. Do not invest in hair care until it is already badly damaged. Exclude unnecessary styling irons and styling products that contain chemicals.

To keep your already damaged hair in better condition, also remember to eat well and focus especially on foods that are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Calcium, Iron, Protein, Fatty Acids and Silica!

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