7 Consequences Of Skipping Breakfast

The nutrients you get from breakfast are the key to recharging your body’s energy stores for a full day. Now we tell you what the downside is that this meal is missed.
7 consequences of skipping breakfast

Many of us are unaware of how harmful it is to ignore breakfast. Although breakfast has been featured in a great many health debates, especially in recent years,  some still ignore the fact that this meal has a very significant impact on health.

In addition, some find that skipping breakfast can conveniently reduce calories and thus lose weight more easily. However, the truth is quite different, as skipping breakfast can actually cause weight gain as well as other problems that make a person’s quality of life inferior.

So it is  absolutely essential to always eat breakfast  and make sure it is also healthy.

Do you know what all happens in the body when a person is not eating breakfast? Now we tell you the main consequences of this bad habit – keep reading!

7 consequences of skipping breakfast

1. Energy is low

no energy

For optimal physical and mental performance for the day ahead, it is important to charge your body with a good breakfast. Thus, one consequence of skipping breakfast is fatigue and drowsiness, which may not disappear throughout the day.

If your goal is to give your body “fuel,” breakfast should consist of a suitable combination of foods rich in essential nutrients.

2. Your blood sugar level rises

The nutrients you get from your breakfast are very important to allow you to control your blood sugar throughout the day.

Therefore, if breakfast is not eaten on time or is replaced with unhealthy products, the amount of insulin will decrease and the body will start accumulating sugar.

This problem is quite dangerous, especially for those at high risk for diabetes. If the situation is not resolved very soon, the increased amount of glucose can cause other symptoms and problems.

3. You are hungrier when you do not eat breakfast

skipping breakfast causes more hunger

One consequence of not eating a decent meal in the morning is anxiety, which can cause weight gain.

While at first it may seem like skipping breakfast will reduce your calorie intake,  in fact, this habit will make you eat more as it will cause great hunger.

4. It makes you suffer from an emotional imbalance

Inadequate intake of nutrients can also cause harm in your emotional life.

Quality food contains substances that are very important for human well-being, and a  poor breakfast causes stress and irritability.

If you find that these feelings affect your work or relationships too much, you should look at your diet. In addition, it would be a good idea to include products that stimulate serotonin production in the body, such as dark chocolate, banana and avocado.

5. Your resistance will decrease

poor resistance

The nutrients you get from your breakfast will help strengthen your resistance.

Therefore, it must be remembered that  skipping breakfast can weaken a person’s resistance and can make the body more susceptible to infections.

6. You experience digestive problems

Slow digestion and constipation are also consequences of skipping breakfast. While there are many other factors that contribute to the development of these conditions, skipping breakfast can be one reason.

It is important to include fiber, fatty acids and water in your breakfast. This combination helps regulate intestinal function and makes the body get rid of waste better. It also regulates the pH level of bacterial growth and reduces the risk of gastritis and poor digestion.

7. The risk of heart disease increases

heart problems

A study by Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health suggests that men who do not eat breakfast are 27% more likely to have a heart attack or severe heart disease.

How most obviously skipping breakfast can lead to the  development of diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol and blood pressure.  All of these factors directly affect what a person’s risk of heart disease is, and they also affect brain health.

Researchers say that eating breakfast every day is an effective way to prevent these problems.

So always remember to eat breakfast!

Do you enjoy breakfast yourself every day, and is it balanced and varied?

Now that you know all the harmful consequences of skipping breakfast,  try to enjoy foods with a high nutrient content with this meal.  Also remember that the caloric content of breakfast should be 25% of your body’s daily needs.

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