Best Sleeping Positions For A Couple

When bedtime is at hand, Whether you are alone or with a partner, it is important that you choose a comfortable sleeping position so that you do not wake up stiff and aching.
The best sleeping positions for a couple

Everyone has their own sleeping positions. Sleeping in the same bed with a partner strengthens the relationship, but often sharing a bed with another can result in you having to sleep in a strange position due to lack of space, which can be detrimental to your health. For this reason, it is worth considering the recommendations in this article for sleeping positions where both parties get peaceful and good dreams.

Most importantly, lying and sleeping in bed is comfortable and you won’t have to twist in uncomfortable positions. All of these sleeping positions guarantee good sleep and a sunnier relationship.

1. Backs facing each other

the couple sleeps with their backs facing each other

If each of you sleeps best on your side, there is one good option to sleep with your backs to each other. This prevents the body from numbing and you will not have to sleep in an uncomfortable position. This option works well for both and ensures that you sleep well.

If one of you wants to sleep on your side and the other on your back again, it is best to do so that the sleeper on the side changes his position so that he also leans more on his back, not just on his side. This allows the partner to enjoy a spine.

2. Hugging

sleeping hugging

Many end up in bed immediately holding one close, as such intimate sleeping positions bring a safe and close feeling, but few are able to sleep in a spoon through the night. Often the couple gets hot or as a big spoon the hand of the person is uncomfortable. Additional problems can be created by a situation where one loves to spoon and the other is unable to sleep in a spoon at all.

If you can’t agree on sleeping in a spoon, you can try a compromise where a small spoon sleeps almost in your stomach, a pillow under your stomach so your back isn’t under too much pressure. The partner can then sleep on his side, arm around a small spoon. This nice close but still casual spoon can be an ideal option for a couple.

3. On his back

sleeping on his back


This position is great for both parties and does not usually cause any discomfort or missing members.
Neither puts too much pressure on each other’s body, and if you want to feel each other’s closeness, you can even grab hold of your hands.

4. Spoon

spoon position

This is a common attitude among couples, but is it healthy? The answer would seem to be yes, as it helps to relieve pressure on the spine. The best way to enjoy the intimacy of a spoon is to sit on your side, flex your knees lightly and place a pillow between your legs. This way, both of you get peaceful, rejuvenating dreams without uncomfortable turning.

Avoid uncomfortable postures

sleeping couple in bed

Avoid uneven postures, such as resting your head on one’s arm or chest, and other postures that can easily lead to neck pain and numbness. A small moment in a position like this doesn’t hurt, but you’ve certainly sometimes woken up from a night’s sleep with your neck stiff because you’ve fallen asleep in an unnatural position.

Sleeping in a bad position can cut off proper blood circulation to certain areas and lead to numbness and pain. Usually, a couple sleeps best a little apart, as this way it doesn’t get awkwardly hot, and neither has to be in an uncomfortable position. Save hugging and spooning while watching a movie.

Good quality mattress and the best sleeping positions

a good mattress is important

Good posture will not help you at all if your mattress is of poor quality, ancient or too soft. Prefer fixed mattresses that provide support for your back – visit one furniture store to try out the mattresses and ask the staff for advice on choosing the right mattress. Some love to sleep on a soft mattress, while some need more support to ensure a good night’s sleep. The same is true when choosing pillows.

It’s good to keep in mind that there are times when you show your love to your partner through intimacy and deeds, but when you go to bed, it’s best to choose a posture that suits both of you and guarantees peaceful dreams that are not disturbed by pain or suffering. While some posture may seem romantic, your back may not enjoy it, and the next day’s knocking isn’t worth suffering.

Find a common balance and try different positions, and buy a bed that is spacious enough that you both have enough space. Keep bedding clean, ventilate the bedroom often and be sure to make the bed every day – this will avoid dust mites and other inconveniences. Avoid using computers and phones in bed, as this can interfere with sleep and lead to sleep problems. Dedicate the bed to sleeping only, this way you can quickly catch your sleep every night without difficulty.

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