The Most Beautiful Hair – 14 Tips

The Most Beautiful Hair - 14 Tips

Hair is easily affected by many environmental influences such as moisture, heat, UV rays, wash water hardness and other properties. The condition of your hair is also affected by what substances and how often they are treated. In addition, emotional factors such as stress and depression can affect the appearance and well-being of hair.

Today we tell you 14 great ways to get the most beautiful hair.

 14 ways to get the most beautiful hair

Tip 1: Brushing and shaping

When caring for your hair, it is recommended to use combs and brushes with a natural, gentle brush. Hair should be brushed gently, avoiding tearing and tangling of tufts, thus avoiding hair breakage and hair fiber damage.

Avoid brushing your hair wet, as this will break the hair much more easily. To clear tangled hair after washing, use a sparsely toothed comb and always start clearing the tops.

Tip 2: What products should I use?

Hair care products contain huge amounts of chemicals. Many of these chemicals are harmful to the hair as they brittle and dry the hair, stick to the surface of the hair and cause breakage and hair loss.

The most sensitive individuals can also suffer from scalp rash, dryness and tightening, and at worst, hair care products can cause an allergic reaction. Fortunately, most hair products can be replaced with natural products that are much gentler.

If your hair is really dry and brittle, try a hot oil treatment. Heat a drop of almond or olive oil and rub it on the scalp and tops, leave on overnight and wash off in the morning. With this oil treatment you can easily get smooth and beautiful hair!

Avoid shampoos and hair styling products that contain alcohol, as alcohol is known to dry out skin and hair. Do not rinse your hair with too cold or too hot water after washing, as your hair does not like extreme temperatures – warm or cool water is the best option for rinsing your hair.

If you notice an increase in hair loss suddenly, stop coloring your hair with permanent dyes and take a break from other possible chemical treatments as well.

the most beautiful hair oil treatment

Tip 3: Cut your hair at the right time

Did you know that haircut and the phases of the lunar cycle have a mysterious connection? If you cut your hair on a day when the crescent of the moon is clearly visible and the full moon is approaching, it will grow back faster. On the other hand, if you cut your hair on a day when the lunar sickle shrinks, they will grow more slowly.

A more traditional trick for haircuts is to cut the bifurcations off regularly. Haircut accelerates the circulation of oxygen in the hair and makes it stronger.

Tip 4: Use the hair dryer with care

The hot air pushing from the hair dryer can damage and at worst burn the hair, so be sure to keep the hair dryer as far away from the scalp and hair surface as possible. Allow your hair to dry naturally as often as possible, as constant use of a hair dryer will dry and brittle your hair.

However, if you style your hair every day, we recommend that you use heat protection products before using the hair dryer and prefer a cold air nozzle.

Tip 5: Shiny hair


Who of us wouldn’t fit more shiny and beautiful hair? Unfortunately, the impact of the environment, low nutrients and exposure to tobacco smoke, for example, make hair lifeless and unpolished.

If you need more shine and smoothness in your hair, try this trick: wash your hair using warm water and apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of the hair and smoothes the hair scales.

You can also use a small amount of lemon juice for the same purpose. Both means also remove dandruff and scalp-nesting bacteria.

Tip 6: Dirty brushes and combs

We recommend cleaning your hairbrush and styling tools regularly. Grease, styling products, dandruff and other ingredients often get stuck in the brush and are transferred back to the hair during brushing. Soak the brushes in warm water mixed with four teaspoons of baking soda. Allow the brushes to clean for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. You will immediately notice how much cleaner the brushes are!

Tip 7: Best shampoos for normal hair

the most beautiful hair aloe vera

Aloe Vera is great for hair care and beautification. Aloe Vera is a natural product that does not contain harmful chemicals or leave residues in the hair. Aloe vera is used in the cosmetics industry in various fats and moisturizers, cleansers and hygiene products.

Aloe Vera is also suitable for making homemade shampoo. Aloe Vera shampoo leaves your hair soft and smooth, and you will notice its effects after just a week of use.

Please note that this guide is best for normal hair and if your hair is very dry or greasy, we do not recommend the use of aloe vera.

You will need 100 ml of shampoo with honey (preferably organic), 200 ml of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of whiskey. Mix all three ingredients together thoroughly and pour into a small bottle. The shampoo stays usable for six months as long as you keep it cool and protected from light.

Tip 8: For oily and dandruffy hair

This treatment from wine and seaweed is great for treating dandruff, oily scalp internally. After a month of use, you will notice permanent changes in the condition of your hair and scalp, and you will notice how much stronger and healthier your hair will look.

You will need less than a liter of white wine, 10 grams of agar-seaweed, 1o grams of hijiki-seaweed, 10 grams of kombu-seaweed and molasses.

Pour the wine into a large pan and add the seaweed, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour the warm mixture into an airtight container and let it stand in a dry, dark place for three days – be sure to shake the container every now and then.

After three days, you can strain the mixture and add molasses to double the portion size. Mix well and store airtight.

Drink a deciliter of the mixture three times a day before each meal. Seaweed can make the mixture very sticky, so we recommend warming it up in the microwave for a while before eating.

Tip 9: Homemade conditioner

the most beautiful hair in the hair wash in the shower

Do you want more beautiful hair that is both soft and shiny? All you need is a homemade conditioner!

Rub the scalp with homemade mayonnaise for five minutes and then wash normally with shampoo. You will immediately notice how much brighter and more beautiful your hair will look. We do not recommend using commercially available mayonnaise as it contains preservatives.

Tip 10: Homemade moisturizer

The hair dries easily either due to the effect of the environment, the wrong kind of shampoo and hard wash water, but fortunately the hair is also repaired quickly using a moisturizer. Moisturizer for hair may sound strange, but believe me, it works like a dream.

You will need a ceramic bowl and a wooden spoon. Pour two teaspoons of honey, a drop of olive oil and one egg yolk into the bowl. Stir evenly with a wooden spoon and rub with your fingertips on the scalp and tops.

Wrap your hair in a towel and allow the mixture to soak for 20 minutes. Wash your hair normally and marvel at how much more beautiful your hair is after the first treatment!

Tip 11: Broken, unruly hair

Electric and fluffy hair that strands in every direction and whose breakage seems impossible to prevent is an annoying affliction. Don’t worry, the next treatment will help you control your persistent curls!

Mix a tablespoon of honey, two egg yolks and a tablespoon of yogurt in a bowl, add to the tablespoon of warm water. When the mixture is ready, rub it gently on the scalp and hair and wrap the hair in foil. Allow the mixture to soak for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

This treatment effectively smoothes the surface of the hair and prevents it from fluffing.

Tip 12: Caring creams

the most beautiful hair paste

Hair loves caring creams that penetrate deep into the hair core and nourish them from within. Treatment creams strengthen the hair root and accelerate hair growth.

Turn into one ripe banana and one ripe avocado in a bowl. Rub into scalp and hair, cover with towel and allow to soak for 15 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair normally.

Repeat the treatment once a week and soon you will notice how much healthier and stronger your hair will look. 

Tip 13: Prevent lice

Scalp lice are a disgusting problem that often plagues children, but lice can sometimes occur in adults as well. Lice cause intolerable scalp itching, but luckily they get rid of them quickly. You can either use a full shampoo or wash your hair a couple of times a week with vinegar.

In addition to killing lice, vinegar makes hair shiny and soft.

Last tips:

Here are the last tips on how to get the most beautiful hair;

  • Avoid stress as it can weaken your hair and cause hair loss.
  • Do not smoke. Nicotine has a negative effect on body proteins, which also affects the condition and appearance of hair, as proteins are one of the building blocks of hair.
  • Add foods high in vitamins C and B to your diet. Especially prefer dates, peaches, whole grains and guava.

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