What Is Tourette’s Syndrome?

The primary symptom of people with Tourette’s syndrome is tic symptoms, or current symptoms. They are also at higher risk of developing anxiety and depression and suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
What is Tourette's Syndrome?

Gille de la Tourette syndrome, or Tourette syndrome for short, is a known disorder. Many, especially in their childhood, have either bullied someone or become bullied because of this condition. It can cause a lot of embarrassing situations and suffering for the plaintiff.

Tourette’s syndrome causes tic disorders, or current symptoms, which are repetitive sounds and movements that a person cannot control. These tic symptoms are caused by a disorder of the neural networks that regulate the motor functions of the central nervous system. The syndrome usually first appears during childhood or adolescence, most often at the age of 5 to 9 years.

Researchers only discovered and diagnosed Tourette’s syndrome relatively recently, in the mid-1980s. Today, it is known to affect about 1 percent of the population. Although experts do not know exactly why this disorder occurs, it is known to have a link to human genetics.

Tourette’s syndrome is more than just a neurological disorder. In fact, it affects all aspects of life, especially social life. In this article, we want to tell you more about the syndrome.

What is Tourette’s Syndrome?

Many see Tourette’s syndrome as a condition that causes a person suffering from it to insult or insult other people uncontrollably. However, this is just one of the possible symptoms. People with Tourette’s syndrome have tic symptoms that they cannot control. They can be repetitive movements, pronunciations, or words. And some of these words may indeed be insults, but they are not always so. One common tic symptom is shrugging of that.

This condition is somewhat more common in men than women. Symptoms usually appear before the age of 15, but they can start later. Symptom picture and severity of symptoms can vary greatly from patient to patient.

Here are some examples of the most typical tic symptoms:

  • Twitching or hitting of the eye
  • Wrinkling of the nose
  • Coughing
  • Crunching or other throat sounds
  • Repeat words or phrases
  • Obscene or indecent gestures and insults

It is also good to know that tic symptoms can change over time. Sometimes they can get worse, for example when a person is under a lot of stress or is very tired. On the other hand, the symptoms can also be alleviated or completely eliminated, which often happens when a person reaches adulthood.

Other disorders or conditions very often occur with Tourette’s syndrome. It is common for these people to suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperactivity, and / or impulsivity. Tourette’s syndrome is often inherited, meaning that it is much more common than average if a close relative has tic symptoms or other disorders associated with the syndrome.

Can Tourette’s syndrome be treated?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome. However, certain medications help control tic symptoms. In addition to medicines, more and more different forms of supportive care are available today.

Pharmacological treatment depends on the individual and the severity of his tic symptoms. Many patients do not even need medication. After all, many of them can live relatively normal lives.

Sometimes your doctor will prescribe medications that reduce dopamine levels in the brain. However, they have many potential side effects, such as weight gain. The use of antidepressants is quite common among those with Tourette’s syndrome; they reduce condition-related anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. On the other hand, for many, it is also necessary to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by pharmacological means.

In addition to possible medication, therapy is a very important part of the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome. Children need to be able to feel that they have all the necessary support and understanding on their side, and work needs to be done on their self-esteem. The syndrome can cause a lot of anxiety and feeling unwell, which good therapy helps tremendously.

Tourette's syndrome causes tic symptoms such as eye sprain.


Tourette’s syndrome is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome. People who suffer from it have persistent tic symptoms, which can be motor symptoms or vomiting. The biggest problem with this syndrome is that it interferes with the patient’s social life. It is important to be aware of the psychological effects of this syndrome, as we cannot allow society to continue to mock these people. The stigma associated with Tourette’s syndrome must be removed, it is the responsibility of all of us and it will be achieved through transparency and information.

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