Avoid These 7 Food Combinations

There are many food combinations that may be a regular part of your daily routine without you realizing that they are difficult for your digestion and cause weight gain.
Avoid these 7 food combinations

Combining foods is a much more important thing than many of us think. Combining foods can greatly affect a person’s health and also their weight. So you may notice a big improvement even with simple changes, because this is not about reducing the amount of food, but instead about eating better. In this article, we tell you what seven food combinations would be important to avoid.

Why should food be learned to combine properly?

If you follow the tips in this article on combining food, you will get the following benefits to increase your well-being:

  • Digestion is faster and you don’t have to suffer so much from annoying phenomena like heartburn and flatulence.
  • You are less exhausted after eating and have more energy.
  • It will be easier for you to control your weight, whether you want to drop or increase your weight.
  • Your gut works better.

In the longer term, you will also be able to treat some chronic disorders.

Avoid these seven food combinations

It is ideal to avoid combining too many food products in one meal as much as possible. As a result, buffers that produce many types of food are usually very harmful.

Next, we present the seven food combinations that harm your health the most.

1. Melons and other foods

7 food combinations to avoid: melons and other foods.

These fruits, which are often eaten as a dessert or even with salty foods, are very harmful with any food.

They are rich in water and fiber, and although they contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals, they are of the cold type and should therefore be eaten on an empty stomach and separately.

  • The best time to eat these is in the morning or in the middle of the morning and afternoon, and away from any other food and even water.

2. Protein and starch

One of the most harmful food combinations is the combination of proteins and starches, as it slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.

  • Protein: meat, fish, egg, milk and dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Starch: cereals and flour foods (pasta, bread, confectionery), potatoes, rice, products rich in fried starch (pumpkin, carrot, yams, beets, artichokes), corn and peas.

A typical combination of meat and potatoes is not the healthiest option. It would be best to take salads or raw vegetables with any dish that contains protein or starch.

3. Milk and milk products

Milk should always be drunk separately.

Milk is considered a different type of protein than others and should not be combined with any other food. Milk is always drunk separately.

  • On the other hand, dairy products such as yogurt or cheese are products that should not be combined with starches.
  • One very harmful, albeit common, combination is yogurt sweetened with sugar.

4. Fruit during meals

The way of eating fruit for dessert is not as healthy as imagined, and this is especially the case when eating starch. This way the fruit sugar ends up being processed in the stomach as well as prevents digestion.

  • However, one can make an  exception to that eaten meat or fish with salad  (no potatoes or other starches). In this case, in addition to protein, you can take pineapple or papaya – two tropical fruits rich in enzymes that facilitate the digestive process.
  • For the same reason, juices (with more sugars) should always be avoided during meals.

5. Different types of proteins

It is unnecessary to combine different types of proteins in one meal.

One serving of protein per meal is enough to balance the diet. Therefore, it is not recommended to combine different types with the same meal.

Each food has its own properties that activate different digestive functions. By combining them, we make these natural processes more difficult.

6. Vegetables are not a good combination with just about everything

Vegetables are well suited for combination with most foods, but there are some exceptions:

  • milk
  • sweet fruits
  • watermelon and melon
  • sugar

7. Water during meals

It would be good to drink water between meals.

You should drink at least 1-2 liters of water every day. However, many try to fill this amount in the wrong way, as they often drink too much water during or just after meals.

This causes heaviness and swelling, as water combines with gastric fluids and food.

It would be ideal to drink water on an empty stomach: first in the morning as well as between meals.

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