How To Solidify Your Body With Food

In order to have a balanced and healthy body that is also solid, it is extremely important to make your diet healthier. This means, among other things, that you are not eating too large amounts of any particular food. In addition, it must be remembered that exercise is always a key factor in tightening the body.
This will allow you to solidify your body with food

There are foods you can use to firm your body. However, in addition to eating these foods, you must also exercise if the goal is to solidify. Here we give you some good ideas for preparing daily meals, and these recipes are also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. So get the tips.


When it comes to muscle health, the first thing to emphasize is the importance of dietary protein. Here, however, you need to know how to choose the kind of diet that works best for everyone. The protein allows you to firm your muscles and is also helpful in weight loss as it effectively narrows your waistline.

  • Red meat:  The protein obtained from this meat is the type that increases muscle mass the most. However, these meat products should not be eaten very much as they can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. So once a week is enough to eat red meat.
  • White Meat: The alternative to red meat is white meat and is suitable for muscle enhancement and firming if the goal is not to actually increase muscle mass.
  • Fish: Both fatty and white fish are high in protein, although white fish have much less fat.
  • Eggs: Egg protein is high in protein, while yolk is more fat. Omelettes can be made from, for example, two proteins and one yolk.
  • Milk and dairy products: we recommend low-fat dairy products, such as cottage cheese, which can be combined with a small amount of honey or olive oil.
  • Legumes (beans): these provide excellent plant protein and are an affordable and healthy option. However, if you don’t want to eat them for fear of flatulence, we recommend eating beans with cumin and kombu seaweed. You can also grind legumes for soups. Plus, you can combine them with grains like brown rice, and so you get a really full-protein meal.
  • Nuts: The  healthiest option is to eat nuts raw or roasted, but without salt or crackling. They can also be enjoyed in the form of vegetarian drinks or spreads, but when buying these products, make sure that they do not contain added sugar, salt or hydrogenated fat.
  • Mushrooms: The plant protein obtained from these is very healthy, and mushrooms can be combined with many ingredients. Try them with delicious salads, rice or pasta, or even as part of quick-fried dishes.
  • Algae : we especially recommend spirulina or Klamath algae, which can be eaten daily.
Spanish omelet


Fats are essential for the human body, but if we want to prevent their accumulation and the consequent loss of firmness, we should limit our intake of saturated fats and opt for healthy fats instead. These include the following products:

  • Premium vegetable oils:  olive, coconut, sesame, flaxseed, primrose and wheat germ oil
  • Nuts: macadamia, hazelnut and peanuts or almonds
  • Fatty fish
  • Egg
  • Avocado: This is an excellent fruit with a high amount of good quality fats
  • Seeds: sesame, sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds
Pumpkin seeds in a cup


The carbohydrates that are best for firming your body and increasing its linearity can be found in the following foods:

  • Fresh and seasonal fruit
  • Fried or raw vegetables in salads, smoothies and juices
  • Whole grains: rice, quinoa and wheat
  • Whole grain flour  (but not in excessive quantities)
  • Starch: potato and banana
Whole grain rice

Recommended nutritional supplements to firm your body

The following nutritional supplements all have the ability to strengthen and you can strengthen your muscles, but for the sake of naturalness, you should first think about whether you really need any of them.

  • Magnesium
  • Collagen
  • Silicone
  • Beer yeast
  • Spirulina or Klamath (seaweed)
  • Wheat grass

An example of the menu of the day

  • Breakfast: toasted wholemeal bread with cottage cheese, with the addition of honey and seeds.
  • Morning snack: a handful of nuts and some fruit.
  • Lunch: chicken with steamed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt with nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup and omelet

A vegetarian who eats dairy products and eggs can prepare the following meals:

  • Breakfast: yogurt smoothie, banana and walnuts.
  • Morning snack: corn silhouettes with fresh cheese.
  • Lunch: wholemeal pasta, for which you make a sauce of cream, mushrooms and parmesan cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: wholemeal bread on which you put a peanut spread (without added salt and sugar).
  • Dinner: quinoa with vegetables and omelet.

A vegan-friendly menu consists of ingredients that do not contain animal protein:

  • Breakfast: layered sandwich stuffed with tomato and avocado – use whole grain bread, and take spirulina as a dietary supplement.
  • Morning snack: a handful of nuts and a vegetarian drink.
  • Lunch: salad with lentils, brown rice and various mushrooms.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: a creamy soup of peas and algae, plus sprouts and corn on the cob.

So try an example menu that suits you, and combine the ingredients we present to your liking – this way you can solidify your body with food!

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