Want To Speed Up Hair Growth? 7 Tips

Gentle brushing your hair a few times a day speeds up hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp.
Want to speed up hair growth?  7 tips

Slow hair growth can be frustrating for people who want rich and shiny cuts. However, you can try to speed up your hair growth with these tips.

The rate of hair growth depends on the person and his or her genetic factors, hormones, and certain daily beauty routines.

Because of the high demand for hair growth products, the beauty industry has developed many different options. The problem with them is the high price, which means they are not available to everyone. In addition, the chemicals they contain can cause unwanted side effects ranging from mild to severe.

That’s why we want to share today the top seven natural ways to accelerate hair growth so you can try them out as soon as possible.

7 Natural Ways To Accelerate Hair Growth

1. Eat more protein

you can speed up hair growth by eating a lot of protein

For hair to grow healthy and regularly, it needs protein. When you do not eat enough of this nutrient, the hair follicles begin to become brittle, dry and fall out.

In fact, products used in hair may not have the desired effect if the diet does not contain the right nutrients for hair growth.

So before you start any treatment to speed up your hair growth, try eating more of the following foods:

  • Lean meat
  • Cold water fish
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Vegetables
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Unflavored yogurt
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Gelatin

2. Drink more water

Inadequate water intake is one possible factor that impairs hair growth.

Water is a fluid that helps the whole body to function properly, and one of the functions of water is to accelerate hair growth.

Fluids play a very important role as they carry nutrients to the scalp and ensure that the cells receive the right amount of oxygen.

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day.
  • Remember that many fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fluid.

3. Brush your hair several times a day

you can speed up hair growth by brushing them often

This easy and relaxing way to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which promotes hair growth.

  • It is important to choose a natural bristle brush that does not damage your hair when brushing.
  • Still, be gentle and do not use too much force.

4. Try olive oil

One of the most interesting uses of extra virgin olive oil is definitely its ability to improve the condition of your hair. This oil, which contains Omega-3, amino acids and vitamins, stimulates the hair from the roots, which accelerates their growth and prevents dryness.

  • Heat a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and apply it all over the scalp.
  • Rub the head gently for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off the oil.

5. Add onions to shampoo

you can speed up hair growth with onions

Onions contain sulfur compounds that slow down hair loss and stimulate hair growth when absorbed into the scalp.

This vegetable strengthens the hair follicle and helps prevent dandruff-type problems, as onions have antifungal effects.

  • Chop a small amount of onion and add it to your normal shampoo.
  • Leave the onion in the shampoo for a week and wash your hair with this shampoo at least three times a week.

6. Try apple cider vinegar

In recent years, apple cider vinegar has become an important alternative to normal conditioners, as it contains a lot of essential acids and minerals that increase hair growth and shine when absorbed into the scalp.

  • We recommend mixing an equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and applying the substance to the hair.
  • The smell of apple cider vinegar disappears when the hair dries, but it can also be washed off with a normal shampoo.

7. Take advantage of egg whites

egg whites for hair care

One option for strengthening hair is egg whites. They are full of protein and antioxidants that prevent hair loss and other potential hair growth retardants.

  • Beat two egg whites in a bowl and apply this treatment from root to tip.
  • Leave on for half an hour and rinse with cold water (avoid hot water as it may make it difficult to remove protein from the hair).
  • Use this treatment at least three times a week.

Can’t get the thick and long hair you want? Try adding some of these tips to your routine so you can get the results you want without spending large sums of money.

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