How To Fade A Pregnancy Scar With Natural Means

You will get the best results in fading scars if you start treating the scars as soon as they appear, that is, when they are still red.
This is how you fade the pregnancy scar by natural means

Many women suffer from pregnancy scars that change the appearance and texture of the skin. They usually appear as a result of hormonal imbalances, but how do you get rid of these skin-shaping scars? Some turn to plastic surgery for this problem, but for everyone this is not a desired or even a possible option.

So in this article, we present simple treatments that you can use in your home to fade pregnancy scars. At this point, however, it must be said that these or other similar skin treatments will not get rid of pregnancy horns permanently, but you will still be able to smooth them out and make the scars less eye-catching. So try fading your pregnancy scars with natural means – in the following we will give you instructions on how to treat both red and white scars.

Home treatments to fade white scars

The red pregnancy horns are fresh. In other words, they are still at the stage of talking about the “inflammatory state” of the skin. Scars can appear on many parts of the body – the arms, legs, buttocks and abdomen, and appear almost on Warranty during pregnancy. The inflammation process in the skin can take a few months, as the body sends blood to those areas, and this, of course, makes the appearance of the scars more striking.

Over time, these red scars end up as actual skin scars, and they then turn white. Is it then possible to get rid of these white scars? In terms of treatment results, it would be best if you start treatment as soon as the scars appear, that is, when they are still red. In the following, we talk about natural products that are useful in dimming pregnancy scars in this fresh, red phase.

1. Easy sugar peeling

This is a very easy care to prepare. To conjure the exfoliating product, all you need is a tablespoon of sugar, which you then rub in the shower on your wet skin at the points where the pregnancy scar is visible. You should do this by gently massaging, but still make sure you get more efficient blood circulation in those areas. This treatment reduces inflammation in  those areas where you have red scars.

2. Aloe Vera, potato and egg

For this treatment you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 potatoes peeled and sliced
  • gel from aloe Vera (30 grams)
  • one egg white

This simple treatment is intended to reduce inflammation in areas with red pregnancy scars. It nourishes damaged skin with aloe vera stimulating ingredients.  You have probably already heard of the numerous healing properties of this plant that are particularly well suited for skin care, and soothing pregnancy scars is just one of its many effects.

Start by recovering the gel contained in the aloe Vera plant. Put it in a glass jar where you also add protein. Soak the potato slices in this mixture and then place the pieces in the areas where you will see the pregnancy scar. Cut as many potatoes as you think you need to cover those areas. Leave on for 15 minutes and then take a shower. This is a very effective treatment worth trying!

Fading of white pregnancy scars


how to fade a pregnancy scar by natural means

White pregnancy scars mean that the skin is already scarred, making it harder to get rid of than new red scars. However, with the following guidelines, you can make such scars dimmer, but it is important to start treatment at an early stage, that is, when the scars are still red. This is very essential to keep in mind, as there are no miracle instructions for removing scars that have already been born.

Next, we present a treatment with which you can promote the fading of white pregnancy scars.

Treatment with aloe vera, vitamin E and olive oil


  • 50 grams of aloe vera
  • 20 ml of virgin olive oil
  • 3 drops of vitamin E.

How is this treatment prepared?

This easy-to-prepare mixture is intended for repairing and treating already damaged skin. For treatment, it is necessary to get vitamin E if you want it to work and bring results. This vitamin can be found in health food stores and pharmacies. It may seem expensive, but vitamin E can be used for many other purposes: you can add a little bit of it to your nail polish if you want to strengthen your nails, or you can put a few drops in your hair conditioner if you want stronger hair.

First you need to recover the aloe Vera plant gel. Use a spoon to remove the gel from the inside surface of the plant leaves. Put it in a bowl, and then add the oil. Also add three drops of vitamin E, and mix all the ingredients. Once you have a smooth mixture, rub it on the areas where you have a pregnancy scar.

You should repeat this treatment every night. Over time, you’ll find that your scars become less visible – so it’s definitely worth a try if white pregnancy horns have already formed on your skin.

So here are guidelines for fading both red and white pregnancy scars by natural means – however, remember that treatment should be started at the beginning of the scars and that there should be consistency with treatments. No product is a panacea for removing scars, but these effective natural products are a great help in fading them and improving the condition of your skin.

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