Easy Way To Get Rid Of Armpit Hair

Before using natural products to remove armpit hair, do a skin test on a small area of ​​skin. This prevents the risk of allergic reactions.
An easy way to get rid of armpit hair

Appearance and what is considered beautiful depends a lot on what era you live in, where you live and what trends prevail. Underarm hair divides opinions: some women want to get rid of underarm hair, while others don’t care about their existence. Underarm hair removal is a modern method that was not practiced as diligently as it was today a few decades ago. Depending on your preference, hair can either be removed or left alone.

If you want to get rid of armpit hair, there are many different options for this. Hair removal methods are usually sought that do not irritate the skin too much, are not painful, and save time.

Traditional methods


get rid of armpit hair

The number of beauty salons is growing rapidly and many different methods of hair removal from waxing to laser treatment are now available.

Hair removal is also possible at home with cold or hot wax, planer, creams or sugaring. One of the most common methods of hair removal is the use of a razor, as this is a quick and painless procedure that succeeds even inexperienced. Often, however, shaving increases the amount of ingrown hairs and skin irritation, and can also make the skin color darker.

Below you will find natural, inexpensive and easy options for hair removal at home. With these methods, you can also remove hair from sensitive areas.

Benefits of natural hair removal methods


get rid of armpit hair by sugaring

These home-made hair removal methods have been used for centuries. Their success depends on a few things: the length of the hair and the regular use of the substances affect how effectively the hair stays away.

However, it is also important to take care of the health and well-being of the skin, as many hair removal methods irritate the skin. Treatments that contain natural ingredients are more skin-friendly and moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin.

However, keep in mind that even if you use natural ingredients found in your home, you should perform an allergy test before using the substance on a large area of ​​skin. First, test the treatment on a small area of ​​skin: apply a drop of the substance to the inside of the arm and leave it on for half an hour. If redness or irritation occurs on the skin, its use should be avoided.

Get rid of armpit hair with sugar and lemon

This natural sugar mass is a great way to remove armpit hair : it removes hair with its roots, so it takes longer to regrow. The skin stays smooth and hairless for longer.


  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 200 g of sugar


  • Squeeze the lemon juice into a saucepan and add the sugar.
  • Add a drop of water if the juice is not enough to completely cover the sugar.
  • Heat the mixture on the stove and stir with a wooden spoon so that the sugar melts.
  • When the mixture starts to bubble, reduce the heat. Let the mixture boil until it forms a thick, sticky mass, which, however, still spreads easily.
  • Do not touch the mass immediately after boiling, as it is scorching hot.
  • The color of the sugar mass resembles golden yellow honey.
  • Allow the mass to cool before use.


  • Wash and dry your armpits. Apply a small amount of talc to the skin if desired, it will prevent the mass from sticking to the skin.
  • Soften the beak mass in your hands and apply it with your finger to your armpit, and then pull it off with a quick wrist movement against the direction of hair growth.
  • If residue remains in the armpit, rinse with warm water.

Homemade alternative to hair growth prevention


get rid of armpit hair by turmeric

This treatment is suitable for slowing down and preventing hair growth. The treatment can be used on any area of ​​skin, but it is especially suitable for use in the armpits.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • A splash of water


  • Pour the turmeric into a small bowl and add a small drop of water, stirring to form a thick paste.
  • After removing the armpit hair with its roots, you can use turmeric paste to slow hair regrowth: apply the paste to the skin of the armpit and allow to absorb for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

For best results with turmeric, you can use a paste every other or third day. You can also try almond oil, its effect is equivalent to turmeric.

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