The Healthiest Foods For The Elderly

The healthiest foods for the elderly are those whose nutritional quality helps protect the bacterial growth of the gut as well as reduce inflammation. Which foods are good for the elderly? Read on to find out!
The healthiest foods for the elderly

Some foods are especially relevant to older people’s diets. This population needs to make some changes to their regular diet. These changes can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases while alleviating the ailments associated with aging. Keep reading to learn what are the healthiest foods for the elderly!

In this article, we present the foods that are essential in the diet of the elderly. Also, don’t forget that your diet should be varied. In addition, regular exercise can help relieve many ailments.

Yogurt – one of the healthiest foods for the elderly

The intestinal bacterial growth changes greatly with age. Its versatility is declining and operations are declining. To alleviate this process, yogurt and fermented dairy products should be consumed regularly. That way, the  body gets a lot of probiotics  that are responsible for the functioning of the digestive tract.

When older people add foods containing probiotics to their diet, it improves intestinal health and bone density, according to an article published in Osteoporosis International .

However, this does not mean eating any yogurt. It is important to choose a yogurt that is made from whole milk and has no added sugar at all.

It is good for the elderly to include natural yogurt in their diet. It provides probiotics and helps care for bacterial growth in the gut.

Apples improve intestinal function

Just as the body needs probiotics,  it also needs a dose of soluble fiber to restore the diversity of bacterial growth.

Apple is the best food to accomplish this task. It contains a large amount of pectin, a dietary fiber capable of being fermented in the gut.

As a result of this fermentation, the  body receives short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties, and there is a selective growth of intestinal bacterial growth in the body, as demonstrated in a 2017 study.

Eating apples and yogurts together is an effective method if you want to improve your body’s microbiota. Soluble fibers protect bacteria from stomach acid, allowing a larger amount to enter the gut.

Fatty fish twice a week

Fatty fish is another essential food in the diet of the elderly. It contains a considerable amount of Omega-3 fatty acids,  which have a great ability to act against inflammation.

Regular eating of fatty fish is associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are considered one of the most common causes of death in industrialized countries.

However, the fish should be small, as larger fish may contain high levels of mercury, which can potentially be a neurotoxic metal. Frying fish should also be avoided. Frying destroys Omega-3 fatty acids and converts them into trans fats, which can increase inflammation and pose health risks.

Older people should include fatty fish in their diet at least twice a week. The best ways to cook fish are grilling, baking or steaming. You should eat a variety of vegetables with fish instead of carbohydrate-rich foods.

The healthiest foods for the elderly: fish.
Fatty fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. For this reason, we recommend including it in the diet of the elderly.

A diet suitable for the elderly has a significant effect

Older people go through many changes at the physiological and hormonal levels. To alleviate these changes, it is important to make changes to your normal diet. Adding anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods to your diet is vital.

One of the changes that experts are most concerned about in the elderly is the loss of microbial diversity. This can lead to a lack of linkage of certain nutrients as well as a reduction in the production of short chain fatty acids.

To prevent the effect of this effect, the elderly are recommended to increase the consumption of fermented dairy products and soluble fibers. You should also consider taking a probiotic supplement.

The healthiest foods for the elderly also include fatty fish. Fish food contains Omega-3 fatty acids.

Its anti-inflammatory properties are important in the life stage of an elderly person. However, regular eating of large fish should be avoided  as their mercury levels can be harmful.

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