Kombutsa: What Is It, How Is It Made And Why Is It Used?

Kombutsa is a medicinal drink that can be prepared at home. It has a lot of good properties that are useful for the body.
Kombutsa: what is it, how is it made and why is it used?

In Asia, tea called kombutsa has been enjoyed for thousands of years. Its popularity has grown considerably in recent years due to its high amount of probiotics and body cleansing properties, which also strengthen the defense system.

Kombutsa is a tea fermented with fungi and bacteria. Fungi and bacteria produce gas, glucose and ethyl alcohol. These ingredients form a jelly-like, brown or cream-colored mass on the surface of the tea. The bacteria and fungi used vary depending on what type of tea is used and how long the preparation time is.

How to make combutsa

Kombutsa is a tea fermented with fungi and bacteria.



  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 tablespoons dark sugar or organic sugar
  • 1 “scoby”
  • 6 bags of tea of ​​your choice
  • 1.25 dl of combut tea

Note. 1. Scoby ( symbiotic colony of Bacteria and yeast) is a jelly-like and soft symbiotic community of bacteria and yeast.

Note. 2. If you don’t get any old combut tea, you can replace it with 3 dl of distilled vinegar or pasteurized apple wine vinegar.


  • glass jar
  • a piece of cloth or a small towel
  • rubber band
  • spoon, not of metal
  • strainer
  • whistle


Remember that dirt and lumps in the manufacturing environment can easily infect bacteria and fungi and can damage your health.

Disinfect your kitchen thoroughly throughout and wash all utensils with hot water and soap. Wash your hands very well.


The brewing time of Kombutsa depends on the quality of the tea.


Boil water and add tea bags to boiling water. The brewing time depends on the quality of the tea:

  • green tea: 5 minutes
  • red tea: 7 minutes
  • black tea: 10 minutes

The longer you brew the tea, the stronger and bitterer it becomes. The higher quality tea you use, the lower the water temperature is enough for brewing.

Sweetening tea

  • Add sweetening or sugar and mix with a spoon.
  • Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Remove tea from the heat and simmer for four hours.

Add kombutsa

The fermentation process of Kombutsa in a glass bottle.


  • Strain the tea into a glass jar where the comb can go through the fermentation process.
  • Add mushroom tea and old kombuts tea.

Let go and bottle

Cover the glass jar with a clean cloth or towel and secure it with an elastic band. Store the jar in a dark place for 7-14 days. The longer kombutsa lasts, the stronger and bitterer it becomes.

Taste whether it’s ready

The finished kombutsa tastes sour.


After five days you can taste whether the kombutsa is ready. The finished combut has a sour taste.

  • Do not break the fungus formed on the surface.
  • Put a clean whistle in the combutsa and cover your upper end with your finger. Lift the whistle off and let the kombuza drain out of the glass where you can taste it.
  • Sweet kombutsa needs more time.
  • The very bitter kombutsa has gone bad, but don’t worry, you can use it like vinegar as a salad dressing.

Drink kombutsa and use the mushroom again

Start by drinking combutsa for half a decade in the mornings. Once your body starts to get used to it after a few weeks, you can slowly drink larger amounts of it.

Be sure to save at least 10% of the tea (tea root) and the fungus formed on the surface (scoby) for the next batch of kombuza.

What happens in your body when you drink kombutsa

Kombutsa mm.  strengthens bones.


Your body benefits from combus in an incredible number of ways:

  • It is good for the bones, strengthening cartilage and is especially recommended for people with arthritis.
  • It improves digestion and other digestive problems by refreshing the metabolism.
  • It helps relieve migraines.
  • It promotes cell renewal. Kombutsa is good for hair growth and can be used to treat degenerative diseases.
  • Its organic acidic composition  cleanses the body and helps the blood circulation to function better.
  • It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are vital for a normally functioning nervous system and healthy muscles.
  • Tea contains caffeine, which invigorates and refreshes the central nervous system.
  • It strengthens the defense system.
  • It helps regulate cholesterol levels.

So try combut in a miracle.

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