8 Good Breakfast Features

8 good breakfast features

Many nutritionists believe that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day – it gives your body the energy it needs to start the day in the best possible way. In this article, we will tell you what are the eight features of a good breakfast!

Many completely skip breakfast, even though in this way a person only causes himself a slowdown in metabolism. In addition, as the day progresses, it is typical to eat high-calorie foods to compensate for the lack of breakfast.  But while breakfast naturally provides important nutrients to the body, this meal also gives vitality as well as helps to improve a person’s physical and mental condition in general.

So it’s very important that you don’t miss breakfast, and this time we’ll talk about  ways you can enjoy a healthy and delicious breakfast daily and easily. Keep reading and give it a try!

8 good breakfast features

Energizing breakfasts

Before you start eating your breakfast, think about what you put on your plate, as this meal should contain 25-30% of your daily calories. The energy you get from breakfast gets used up during the day, which is why it’s important to eat foods that give your body enough essential nutrients and vitamins.

Make your breakfast quick

Even if you don’t have time to prepare a complicated breakfast, still forget about easy options like tea and biscuits – they are a flawed solution for a morning meal. There are healthy and delicious ways to prepare a quick and convenient breakfast, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time or money on your first meal of the morning. For example, you can eat a bowl of Greek yogurt and nuts, make a spinach egg puff, or eat wholemeal bread with a turkey.

Start making breakfast at home

You can prepare a healthy and delicious breakfast quickly and easily.


Eating out is of course sometimes necessary or otherwise the best option. However, making breakfast at home will help you save a lot of money as well as reduce the amount of calories in your body. In addition, a home-cooked breakfast can be just as delicious and nutritious as you like, and you also know exactly what kind of ingredients you put in your mouth.

When should I have breakfast?

Also, the time you eat your breakfast is very important if you want to ensure the health of this meal. So keep in mind that you shouldn’t wait very long after waking up before you start eating. The best option would be to eat breakfast within half an hour of getting up, or within a maximum of an hour. If you only eat later, you will only make yourself hungry, and then you may be eating more than you really need.

Carbohydrates for breakfast?

Breakfast should include whole grains.


A recent study has proven that people who eat carbs at breakfast are more likely to eat fewer calories than others during the day. This is a great help if you want to lose your weight.

However, keep in mind that including carbohydrates in your breakfast doesn’t mean you should eat a cake or some other high-fat food, for example. That study referred to healthy carbohydrates, such as those obtained from muesli, oatmeal or whole grains, as well as those found in fruits and vegetables, for example. These carbohydrate foods will give you a feeling of satiety and you will be able to reap other important benefits for the day ahead and your well-being.

What about proteins at breakfast?

One nutrient that should always be included with breakfast – if you want to eat healthy – is protein. It gives you a decent feeling of satiety, and at the same time you get important amino acids from proteins. In addition, they provide the building blocks that are necessary for the creation and repair of body structures. At the same time, you also help your digestion. This type of protein is well obtained from dairy products (such as yogurt, milk, cheese or cottage cheese) as well as from eggs or lean meats.

Are fats a nuisance in the morning?

Foods containing trans fats should not be eaten for breakfast.


While many people probably think that eating fatty foods at breakfast is not healthy at all, the truth on this subject is that the  body needs a certain amount of healthy fats to be able to function best. However, this type of fat should be obtained from good sources and thus not from products such as pastries, fried foods or biscuits with a high amount of trans fats. Instead, turn to fat-containing products such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, or other similar healthy alternatives.

You should always bring fiber with you

Finally, we mention one more nutrient that is definitely not to be missed if you want a healthy breakfast routine. A good breakfast always comes with fiber as it helps to improve digestion and is good for heart function.

Fiber is a very important thing if you want to keep your weight at a healthy level. This nutrient will give you a decent feeling of satiety for a longer period of time, while at the same time preventing the possibility that you are eating more calories than you need. There are a large number of high-fiber foods, and we recommend the following:

  • oats
  • raw carrots
  • spinach
  • asparagus
  • beetroot
  • sunflower seeds
  • almonds
  • pistachios
  • walnut
  • apples
  • peaches
  • wholemeal bread

So start eating healthy and delicious breakfasts every day – so you can promote your well-being in an easy and pleasant way!

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