Mother’s Writing Spreads Online: “I Am A Mother, Not A Slave. “

There is no doubt that mothers have a lot of responsibilities and duties at home with their children, but mothers should also set aside time for their own hobbies and things to enjoy.
The mother's writing spreads online: "I am a mother, not a slave."

“Motherhood doesn’t make me a slave who has to do all the housework and carve home.” This statement from a 32-year-old Australian woman spread quickly on Facebook.

Constance Hall is a young woman who actively uses social media and also writes a blog where she discusses an active lifestyle and the daily lives of a family with children. Constance emphasizes the importance of maintaining social relationships, following one’s own interests, and following one’s passions despite motherhood.

Constance’s post on Facebook is more than just an opinion, it is an invitation addressed to all women that urges them to keep their place in society and encourages them to take care of their personal growth alongside parenting.

Today we discuss Constance’s thoughts on parenting and me in more detail.

I’m a mother, I’m a woman

Constance Hall is one of those women who is not afraid to involve their children in all their hobbies and expenses. Constance grabs the kids along the beach and spends a lazy afternoon digging and swimming in the sand castles, she takes the kids to play dates and takes them shopping.

Constance didn’t want to sacrifice her life for parenting, so she had to create new patterns that combined both the children and her own desires.

Constance got tired of her friends who described herself as housewives instead of mothers. Constance says many of them sank into depression and hopelessness when they felt completely alone with the children. All this inspired Constance to write the following text:


Pregnancy and motherhood

Writing by Constance Hall

“I write to all those parents at playgrounds who stare at their smartphones without even looking at their children.

Yes, I’m talking to you. Instead of drowning in the secrets of the phone, you should make contact with the world around you and your children. Don’t have all your phone conversations with other moms on social media.

Remember, it doesn’t matter what other omniscient mothers think of you. Get up and go play with your children.

The woman waiting for the dish lining in the kitchen sink is still able to walk out the door with the kids and go for coffee with friends.

I’m talking to you. Good motherhood, vaimous, or humanity doesn’t mean you have to spend hours cleaning your apartment. If you are obsessed with cleanliness and tidiness, your friends will start living their lives without you and you will miss not only many wonderful experiences.

The woman who received antidepressant medication from her doctor after giving birth is talking to you. You may not believe it, but you will struggle with depression even as children grow older. Don’t confuse depression with giving up. You are still responsible for your own life and you can survive anywhere.

This is the best time of your life, enjoy it for as long as you can.

Sometimes we confuse strength with weakness, but remember that you are much stronger than believed. You are not weak if you ask for help. It’s worth it!

Keep in mind that many women go through the same things as you, they just don’t necessarily talk about it openly.

I am now writing to the woman who has not had time to shed all the weight she gained during pregnancy. Do not worry. Weight loss is not important, because being a mother is a whole new job that requires your attention 24 hours a day, but is unpaid.

Being a mother is a never-ending job. So don’t hesitate to eat the piece of cake you crave. Your body doesn’t belong to anyone but you after giving birth, so don’t care about the opinions of others. ”

It is important to set priorities in life


breastfeed baby

Every mother can certainly identify with Constance’s words. Below you will find the main ideas of Constance’s evocative writing:

  • Motherhood does not automatically mean that you have to forget all your dreams and live only for your children. Don’t abandon friends, work, your dreams, and your preferred lifestyle because of the kids.
  • Everyday life will be very different with children and changes are necessary, as are new challenges. Feeling at times may seem frustrating and hopeless, but motherhood is a constant learning process that requires strength, perseverance, adaptability, and a struggle for your loved ones every day.
  • Setting priorities is important : remember that if you are not happy, it is impossible for you to make your children happy.

If you start to lose hope at some point, remember that things are always worth talking about. Go out with the kids, talk to other moms, get help from family and professionals, surround yourself with supportive and loving people.

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