Yarn Therapy: The Benefits Of Knitting

Yarn therapy: the benefits of knitting

Knitting. When you hear this word, it might remind you of a picture of a mummy in a rocking chair knitting a sweater for a family member… However, knitting has turned from a grandmother’s hobby into a fashionable phenomenon and more and more of us are sticking with needles. Knitting is a great way to develop craftsmanship, create something new and learn.  Indeed, knitting has many benefits for physical and mental health. Want to hear more about the other benefits of knitting?

In this article, we invite you to learn all about knitting, this traditional hobby that is a unique way to develop skills and tinker with a nice thing. Next, we present the benefits of knitting for both physical and mental health.

The benefits of knitting – a positive effect on the brain

The benefits of knitting are both physically and mentally positive.


Twist left, twist right, grab a fun colored wool yarn at your fingertips and create exciting color combinations. Learning to knit takes a few moments, but the basic loops are easy to make. Their skills can be developed over time, and beautiful, intricate knitting patterns should only be learned once the basics are in place.  Knitting required rhythm, brain vibrancy, and dexterity. You will feel great satisfaction when you complete a long project and know that you did everything from the very beginning. You can knit wonderful gifts for friends and family.

Knitting is a social phenomenon that many call yarn therapy . Knitting has many health benefits and is suitable for almost everyone. Children and adults, old and young, men and women can do it. It is perfect for e.g. stress relief.

1. Knitting engages both brain segments

Knitting has positive effects on the brain.


Knitting is basically a very simple thing to do, with tools as needles and yarn as the material, which is knitted into a new shape.  However, knitting improves the coordination ability of brain blocks. The more complex the knitting, the more you exercise your brain and coordination skills.

Knitting is a therapeutic endeavor for many people with motor problems. It has been found to improve the ability to concentrate in children with mental health problems.

2. Knitting helps reduce stress

Knitting helps reduce stress.


Nowadays, guys get together to knit and chatter, knitting circles are also becoming more common. You can grab a friend and knit even on a park bench in fine weather. Knitting relaxes and helps relieve stress, because while it’s an active activity, it’s also very soothing.

The use of hands and a focus on knitting soothes the mind, and the thought doesn’t wander around uneasily. It is great for people with stress and anxiety.

3. Knitting improves mood

Knitting invigorates the mind.


As we mentioned above, knitting enthusiasts often come together to chat and share knitting tips and instructions. Knitting  promotes social interaction, ignites new friendships, and brings people together. However, you don’t have to leave home to knit if you’re having a good time in your own company. Knitting alone also has a positive effect on mood, as it increases endorphin production and relaxes.

4. Knitting develops motor skills

Knitting develops motor skills.


You may have noticed how agile Grandma’s fingers work as she knits. Older people often suffer from rheumatic diseases, but knitting can prevent them from occurring because it keeps your hands moving.

It’s a hobby that keeps your hands moving and prevents them from becoming stiff. Moving your hands and fingers warms your muscles, reducing any pain. Knitting should be done an hour a day if your hands have become stiff and sore. However, people with arthritis should not strain their finger joints too much, ten minutes of knitting should be enough.

Knitting improves children’s motor skills and helps them improve their writing skills.

5. Knitting boosts self-confidence

You may be wondering how something as simple as knitting can boost self-confidence, but that’s just the way it is. It’s not just a hobby, it has a clear goal : a scarf, mittens, a quilt or a sweater. Producing and finishing the garment yourself is a rewarding endeavor, as you set yourself a goal and achieve it. You will see the result of your own work concretely.

It is also satisfying to donate to loved ones a garment or accessory you have made yourself that you have spent many hours with. This is more than just a gift: at the same time you share your time, imagination and feelings.

As you can see, the benefits of knitting are manifold, and knitting isn’t just a hobby for old moms. In the past, knitting was popular with people of all ages until it was forgotten. Today, fortunately, weaving is fashionable again, and best of all, it’s creative, fun, social, and stimulating to do.  Knitting can be done in front of the TV, listening to music, in a café or chatting with friends. Just grab the unfinished work into your bag and you’re ready to knit anywhere!

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