Get Rid Of Bones – 5 Effective Home Treatments

Symptoms of sciatica can also be effectively treated with home remedies. If you suffer from ailments, make sure you wear good footwear.
Get rid of bony - 5 effective home care

Bones in the legs are an embarrassing disorder that is not only an aesthetic disadvantage. When left untreated, the symptoms caused by sciatica can be very painful.

The cause of scarce bones is the uneven distribution of body weight on the feet which causes inflammation of the bones at the toes, resulting in deformity of the joints. The problem usually begins to appear after the age of 30 and always occurs on both feet.

Hereditary bones are sometimes caused by hereditary factors

Bone marrow has been found to be linked to hereditary factors,  leg injuries, and diseases such as arthritis. However, some experts warn that the use of tight footwear or high heels is also directly linked to the development of scarce bones.

Because this problem specifically affects the joints of the legs, its symptoms include the following:

  • severe pain when walking
  • decreased mobility in the toe where the sciatica occurs
  • induration
  • skin irritation

The symptoms are progressive in quality, and sometimes they become so severe that surgical treatment is needed to eliminate them.

Fortunately, however, there are effective  natural treatments that can reduce the growth of sciatica and relieve symptoms. This way, you can deal with the problem before it becomes serious.

If you are looking for an effective natural treatment for sciatica, continue reading!

1. Stay

Foot on ice

Over time, the poor bones become inflamed and cause severe pain if the person is standing for an extended period of time.

In order to reduce the severity of your symptoms and speed up your recovery, ice therapy is a highly recommended treatment. Low temperature causes nerve endings to swell, and the effects of this treatment are long lasting.

Necessary ingredients

  • a handful of crushed ice
  • 1 thin towel

Do this

  • Wrap the crushed ice in a towel and place it on top of the cramped bone for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rest without ice for another 5-10 minutes, and then repeat the treatment two or three times.
  • Do this treatment every time you feel pressure or pain in your ailments.

2. Massage with essential oils

Massage with essential oils is a therapeutic way to increase blood flow to that area,  while at the same time getting relief from pain and inflammation.

If you perform a regular massage in the area, you can reduce the size of the bony bone and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and hardening of the skin.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons oil (lavender, coconut, olive or castor oil, or similar)

Do this

  • Warm the oil in the palms of your hands before starting treatment.
  • Then rub the area of ​​the bony bones, and let your fingers press into the skin properly.
  • Continue the massage for 10 minutes and rest before repeating it.
  • Do the treatment every night.

3. Turmeric

turmeric for the treatment of sciatica

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, prevents pain from being felt and reduces inflammation, which worsens the condition of the sciatica. This product can be used to treat poor bone both orally and topically.

Necessary ingredients

  • ½ a teaspoon of turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Do this

  • Prepare a thick paste of turmeric and olive oil, and rub it on the bony bones.
  • Wait 20 minutes and then rinse the area with cold water.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day and every day.
  • If you want to enjoy turmeric by mouth, take it with a teaspoon daily.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile flowers are known for their calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and they also help control the growth of these painful bumps.

Direct use of chamomile reduces pain and soothes red skin in the area of ​​scarlet bones.

Necessary ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 towel

Do this

  • Boil a cup of water and add chamomile flowers.
  • Lower the temperature, and allow the liquid to boil slowly for a few minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the stove, and allow the water to cool slightly.
  • While it is still warm, immerse the towel in the liquid and then place it on your toe suffering from bone pain.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day.

5. Iodine and aspirin

Aspirin for the treatment of osteoporosis

The combination of iodine and crushed aspirin stops the abnormal growth of the big toe and treats the inflammation that occurs in the joint of the toe.

If you use this combination for a long time, you will be able  to remove dead skin, reduce irritability, and prevent calluses.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon iodine
  • 3 aspirin
  • 1 piece of fabric for fermentation

Do this

  • Crush the aspirin in a mortar and then mix it with the iodine.
  • Once you have a paste, put it on your bony bone and cover the area with a wrap. Then let it work.
  • Repeat this method every day to get the most effective results.

Remember that if you want to prevent poor bones from growing, you should wear comfortable shoes that are preferably also open.

If you are overweight or obese, you should try to lose weight to prevent your ailments from getting worse.

From the treatments we present, choose the one that works best for you, and you can also find the effectiveness for you. Curb the symptoms of sciatica naturally!

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