Organic Laxatives: Top 10 Options

Because apples contain large amounts of pectin, they help regulate intestinal function, including treating diarrhea and constipation.
Organic laxatives: the 10 best options

If you suffer from constipation, you definitely want to know what organic laxatives  exist. In addition to these, of course, the diet should also suitably include fiber as well as foods that regulate the intestinal bacterial population, such as yogurt. Organic laxatives are foods or herbs that help cleanse the intestines. It is important to distinguish between three different types of laxatives, as some have a much stronger effect and may cause side effects.

Organic laxatives

Laxatives can be classified according to how they affect the body.


These are also called laxatives. They work by stimulating the intestinal muscles, as they contain ingredients that act on the nerve endings in the colon wall, promoting intestinal motility and defecation.

The downside of stimulants is related to their duration of action: they can work in the body for up to 8 hours. It is recommended to take laxative stimulants at bedtime.

Natural laxatives relieve constipation


These are fibrous laxatives that increase stool mass, retain water and moisturize the intestinal walls. They help to naturally improve bowel muscle movements, promoting defecation. Mechanical laxatives may contain a lot of soluble or insoluble fiber.

These laxatives are much gentler than stimulants and are recommended as a first step in treating constipation. We also recommend eating lactic acids such as unflavoured yogurt with these laxatives.


These types of laxatives work by increasing the amount of water in the gut, softening the stool. They are similar to mechanical laxatives, contain a lot of minerals and force the bowel to empty. Cherries are an example of an osmotic laxative. The effect is strong, and with such laxatives you need to drink plenty of water and isotonic fluids to maintain your body’s fluid balance.

Woman's abdominal pain

The best organic laxatives: what to choose?

Mechanical and osmotic laxatives are gentler on the intestine. Good examples of such laxatives are:

Apple juice and olive oil

Mix desi apple juice and desi olive oil. Drink the mixture before going to bed.

Cherries and honey

Boil two deci of water in a saucepan. Add six cherries. Remove from the plate and allow to cool under the lid overnight. In the morning Strain the water off and add a tablespoon of honey to the cherries. Eat cherries throughout the day.

Aloe Vera

Slice the aloe vera leaf. Boil it in a little pot of water. Once it has cooled, close the liquid in the jar and place in the refrigerator to equilibrate. You should ingest this fluid only twice a week. This laxative is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, or for those on blood-thinning medication.

Aloe Vera is a natural laxative

Grape flaxseed smoothie

Put the grapes in a blender so that you get a smooth juice / puree of 2-2.5 dec and add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds. Drink in the morning only once a week.

Castor oil

This is an external laxative. Soak a towel or gauze in castor oil and heat over a small flame. Place the heated sheath on your lower back or hip area. Cover it so it stays warm longer. Use daily. We do not recommend consuming castor oil internally.

Other organic laxatives: foods

In addition to aloe vera and cherries, there are other foods that act as natural laxatives. Before you enjoy anything, you should find out what is causing your indigestion. You suffer from constipation when you visit the toilet less than three times a week or when your stools are dry and hard.

Indigestion is common with an unhealthy diet. Lack of exercise, sedentary work, lack of hydration, hard fats and white flour can also be a cause of constipation. If you want a healthy emptying, you will need to change your lifestyle a bit. Some recommended dishes:


This plant is originally from India and has a lot of fiber that helps to visit the toilet. It is able to absorb water, increase stool mass and stimulate bowel movements.


Both red and green apples contain pectin, which stimulates bowel movements, softens feces (thanks to fiber), and helps you visit the toilet. Eat an apple a day or enjoy a small portion after dinner. We recommend raw apples or dried with cherries.

Apples promote bowel movements


This fruit also contains a large amount of fiber (and potassium) and is therefore a great natural laxative. One banana contains 12% of the recommended daily allowance of fiber. They also contain oligosaccharides that travel directly to the colon and promote digestion and defecation.


Onions should be part of every diet, because in addition to being tasty, it also helps protect the body from diseases, pathogens and other ailments. And onions also act as natural laxatives. Eating raw onions increases the production of gastric fluids and keeps the intestinal bacterial population healthy. Quinine, in turn, stimulates the liver’s metabolism, pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

Before you take any other action, try these natural ways to treat your bowel problems and constipation. If self-medication is not effective and / or symptoms other than constipation occur, consult a physician.

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