2 Ways To Make Essential Lemon Oil

In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains many flavonoids that enhance the effects of vitamin C and prevent it from breaking down.
2 ways to make essential lemon oil

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has been used since ancient times in cooking to treat certain ailments. It can be used in juices, pastries, stews and can even be made into essential lemon oil.

It acts as an effective antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals. Lemon is recommended e.g.

  • To protect vision
  • To remove toxins
  • To arouse appetite
  • To speed up digestion
  • To improve the cardiovascular system

These uses tell you how healthy a lemon is. Its essential oil can be used as a stimulant, sedative, anti-flatulence, anti-inflammatory, astringent, cleansing, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep-promoting and antifungal agent. It also helps with the following problems:

  • Stress
  • Fever
  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems
  • Hair problems
  • Stomach problems

You can prepare the essential lemon oil yourself in two different ways and use it whenever needed. This is how you take advantage of all the properties of a lemon.

Preparation of essential lemon oil

Option 1

you can make essential lemon oil this way

This essential oil is for anyone who likes the scent of lemon as it is well suited for spraying anywhere in the home. It can even be used as a fragrance on the skin.

Few people have the right equipment to make essential oils at home. We will now show how essential lemon oil can be produced inexpensively and easily. It only needs a few ingredients.


  • 200 ml of olive oil
  • 200 ml of almond oil
  • 6 organic lemons, without pesticides or special treatments
  • 1 glass jar with an airtight lid (capacity approx. 500 ml)


  • Peel the lemons and place the peel in the oven to dry (50
  • Put the dry shells in a jar and cover them with olive and almond oil.
  • Allow to stand in a dry and dark place for about 50 days, shaking every now and then.
  • After 50 days, remove the shells and squeeze any excess oil and strain the remaining oil with gauze.
  • Then transfer the oil to the dropper bottles. Whenever you want to smell a lemon scent, just put 5 drops of oil in the scented lantern.

Option 2

manufacture of essential lemon oil

Lemon essences are reminiscent of childhood memories. Lemon is familiar not only because of its smell and taste, but also because it is an effective antiseptic for infections.

Here is another easy and quick way to make essential lemon oil yourself. It leaves the home with a sophisticated scent and also protects health.


  • 3 lemons
  • 100 ml of olive oil
  • 1 resealable plastic bag or airtight container that can withstand high temperatures


  • First put a pot of water to a boil.
  • Peel the lemons.
  • Remove the white threads. Only the yellow part of the shells is used.
  • Put the shells in hot water to remove the acidity. Keep them in water for about a minute.
  • In the meantime, take a bag or container to close, put it in another saucepan, open it and fill it in half with virgin olive oil.
  • After one minute, the water has turned yellow. Remove the shells, place them in a bag or container filled with oil and close.
  • Now heat the bag or container in a water bath. The substance mixes and brews well in the steam to form essential lemon oil. Let it stand in a water bath for 2-3 hours.
  • After this time, take it off the stove and let it stand for another 24 hours.
  • The next day you can put the oil in a container with a lid and store it in a cool, dry place.

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