4 Soups To Prevent Colds

Not only do soups warm up comfortably, but when they contain the right ingredients, they also reduce fatigue and help a runny nose. Choose the soup that suits you best.
4 soups to prevent colds

Who wouldn’t mind eating a tasty, warm soup when they’re feverish or fluy, or just a little depressed because of the bad weather? Soup can be the best choice for food on a cold or hot day, and if you choose the right ingredients for it, it is a source of vitamins and minerals your body needs to help you feel better. In this article, you will find a few soup recipes to prevent colds and help treat symptoms such as fever, excessive mucus secretion, fatigue, and weakness.

4 soups to prevent colds

Onion soup

Onion soup is a classic. It can also be found on the menus of many restaurants, but we will teach you to make a light onion soup at home that will easily digest in the digestive system and help get rid of excess mucus and toxins nested in the body.

You can even add a pinch of cayenne pepper to the soup. To a small extent, it warms the body and breaks down and removes excess mucus.

Sauté the onions in a small drop of oil and add a pinch of salt. Cover the pan with a lid so that the liquid comes off the onion properly. When this has happened, add a cup of vegetable broth and, if desired, a pinch of cayenne pepper. If you want the soup to be thicker, whisk it for a while. Enjoy hot.

Onion, let’s just mention that as a small experiment, you can put half an onion on your bedside table when you go to bed if you suffer from a runny nose. The next morning you will find yourself feeling better!

Enjoy onion soup to prevent colds.

Garlic-millet-algae soup

This soup tastes delicious and contains healing effects.

Garlic is an innate antibiotic that strengthens the body’s defense mechanism.

Millet is the only grain that neutralizes body acids. It digests easily in the digestive system and helps fight acids, which often become a problem when a person becomes ill.

Algae contain some minerals that help with the symptoms, fatigue and weakness often associated with the flu.  You can choose, for example, nori seaweed, Wakame seaweed or “sea spaghetti” for your soup.

Sauté the garlic in a drop of oil, add 4.5 dl of meat, chicken or vegetable broth, two tablespoons of millet, and algae. Boil the mixture for 45 minutes.

Celery-carrot-ginger soup

These three ingredients cleanse the body and can lower fever as well as eliminate body toxins. These also create a wonderful, warming soup if you feel chilly.

Chop the celery and carrots into small pieces and boil them in 3.5 deciliters of water with the addition of a pinch of salt. Add two slices of fresh ginger or half a tablespoon of ginger powder.

This is a light soup that you can enjoy throughout the day. If you want more of your soup, you can add whole grain rice or oatmeal.

Prepare soup of ginger to prevent colds.


Egg-thyme soup

This is an old cure and a traditional Catalan recipe. In Catalonia, this soup is served with a pot of beef, bread and cheese.

We don’t use all the traditional ingredients because we want to keep the soup a light, easy-to-digest food.

Thyme is a great medicinal and tasty herb that adds flavor to any food. If you have a cold, thyme can strengthen your body’s defenses and ease coughs, and it also helps fight bacteria.

Sauté the garlic clove and half the onion in a pan, and add the vegetables of your choice (e.g. cabbage, turnip, carrot…). Add 4.5 dl of vegetable broth and a few sprigs of fresh or dried thyme. When all the ingredients are cooked, you can add a raw egg to the mixture. Stir in the soup until the egg breaks down the way you want. This will add nutrients to the soup if you are not completely anorexic due to your flu.

This is an aromatic and soothing soup. If you feel good enough, you can eat soup with a slice of toast, for example.

Thanks to Alan Levine, Chris Campbell and Lablascovegmenu for the pictures.

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