Mindfulness Of Children And Young People: Is It Useful?

If we are all able to incorporate mindfulness exercises into the daily lives of our children, it can benefit many aspects of their personalities and lives.
Mindfulness in children and young people: is it useful?

Mindfulness is popular today. It is an exercise that has helped many people get rid of their stress and anxiety. It has enabled them to enjoy a much fuller and more fulfilling life.

What about children and young people? Can mindfulness benefit them?

Even children are exposed to a great deal of stress. Teaching them this exercise at an early age might save them a lot of effort later. Today we want to look at some of the benefits of mindfulness for children and young people.

Mindfulness for children

children meditate

Kids are like mushrooms, they learn something incredibly fast. For this reason, teaching them this exercise from an early age could bring very amazing benefits.

But for it to be effective for them, they have to do it in a fun way. This is how they get the most out of what we want them to understand and internalize from the exercise.

Bee breathing

One of the first exercises could be teaching “bee breathing”. It involves sitting with your back straight and concentrating on breathing.

  • In that position, they should tap their ears with their thumbs behind their heads.
  • Then they should close their eyes and breathe deeply. When you exhale, the buzz of bees is imitated by saying “bzzzzzzz”.


Another exercise is to tell the children a story about a famous tree of concern (print this one for your child). In this exercise, they let go of their worries so that they no longer spin in their minds. This is how they free themselves from them.

If this exercise is counseled for children from an early age, we can teach them not to walk head full of sorrows. Namely, such thoughts lead nowhere. This will benefit them in the future.

Other exercises

There are many mindfulness exercises you can do. You may already know what some of them are made up of. These include games like “Vigilant Mind Position,” “Silent Game,” “Watch Like a Detective,” and “Be Careful What You Hear?”

These are all very effective if children do them regularly. They can be done both at home and at school.

Mindfulness for young people

young meditating

Teenage is a difficult time. But if you include mindfulness in it, you can make it a little easier.

This workout is great for teens. They can use modified versions of previous exercises for children. Now that they are at a stage where they already fully understand, it is easier for them to be able to grasp the benefits it brings.

Thus, if mindfulness is taught to teenagers as a habit, such as eating, sleeping, or brushing their teeth, in the long run, it will yield results.

  • With this exercise, young people get patience.
  • They learn to better control their emotions.
  • In addition, they learn to observe their thoughts without criticizing them. At the same time, they leave worries behind. It’s the best way to help them get rid of their worries, fears, and the stress of experimentation and admiration, etc.
  • If they take advantage of mindfulness, they can get even better grades.
  • As a result, they grow as humans and become more mature.

Support from parents

the family meditates

Adults have a very big impact on their children. It is therefore extremely helpful to get children to start this exercise as early as possible. Everyone wins!

Practicing mindfulness together is also an opportunity to spend quality time with children. You can all learn something new.

Don’t underestimate mindfulness. It can save you – and your children – from many unnecessary conflicts, worries, and stress. Plus, you all mature and grow.

If this exercise becomes a habit, it will be very effective. To do this, you need determination and patience.

Don’t expect results right away. After a single time, children’s grades don’t improve yet and their outbursts of anger get out of control. It is only possible with time…

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