Ways To Promote Children’s Self-esteem

Crucial to a child’s healthy development is helping the child realize that he or she is precious and worthy of love. Today we want to share some ways to promote children’s self-esteem.
Ways to promote children's self-esteem

Self-esteem is a fundamental part of every human puzzle, a kind of pillar that supports us and serves as the foundation for our ability to function in this world. Promoting self-esteem in children is important because it helps them develop into mature and responsible adults. Continue reading – you will find lower ways to promote children’s self-esteem.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy for people to achieve good self-esteem because parents are not masters of parenting by birth. Fortunately, you can always learn something new or at least take advantage of some of the methods that help here.

The importance of self-esteem in children

Of course, no one at birth can raise children so that they are happy and able to achieve all their goals when they become adults. It is not always easy, and sometimes children also have a strong will that is difficult to deal with and control. However, promoting children’s self-esteem is key to their upbringing.

As a result, they become more independent, stronger and more responsible. They also need to learn to protect and value themselves because parents cannot be present at all times and children may be victims of bullying at school.

Bullying is a sad reality that can be solved by offering children certain strategies. When they are helped to develop a healthy self-esteem at an early age, they later become confident and able to form healthy relationships in which no one can dictate and exploit them.

Below you will find ways to promote children’s self-esteem.

Ways to promote children’s self-esteem

Good self-esteem is key to a child developing into a mature and responsible individual.

1. Promote children’s sense of responsibility

Raising children begins right from the moment they are born. For this reason, parents need to make schedules for everything they do (eating, sleeping, resting, and bathing) and keep them as they grow up. Also give children assignments; these can include, for example, cleaning toys, placing the bed and taking the dishes to the sink. Caring for chores brings a certain order to children’s lives and makes them feel valuable and useful.

These tasks make them realize that there are certain responsibilities in life. If they obey them and do a good job, they will feel proud of themselves because they see themselves as capable and useful. This strengthens their self-esteem every time they, for example, clean their rooms, scythe their clothes back in the closet or take care of a family pet.

2. Give praise whenever they do something well

Some parents do not acknowledge the good work of their children and consider it their job only to point out the children’s mistakes and failures. In terms of promoting children’s self-esteem, this is not a favorable practice because sooner or later they will begin to neglect their responsibilities and no longer care to see the effort in front of things. And worst of all, your criticism only adversely affects their self-perception.

Instead, you need to confirm all of their successes by telling them how good a job they are doing. However, it is quite inappropriate to scold children when they do something “wrong”. Don’t use phrases like “you never do anything right”.

It is also a huge mistake to compare them to other children. You should mostly encourage them to try again after a failed attempt and show them ways to succeed. Strike confidence in them. For example, tell them, “I know these topics are difficult, but you’re sure to get the grain out of them if you keep trying. Do not worry”.

Indiana University conducted a study of the effect of comparison on children. The results confirmed that long-term exposure to TV lowers children’s self-esteem, as they cannot help but compare themselves to fictional characters.

3. Show them that you trust and love them

Showing love and trust is a way to promote children’s self-esteem
The self-esteem of children who are shown love and trust as they grow will be better.

Love and trust are essential for developing good self-esteem in children. As psychologist Ana Torre says:

Children must therefore feel loved, valued, accepted and seen. For this reason, they need to know that you are their support. Show them how special they are to you. Show them that you trust them and your love for them is unconditional. This is the key to mental well-being and it improves their self-esteem.

4. Ways to promote children’s self-esteem: teach them to be resilient

Self-confidence is based on a person’s ability to defend himself. Children need to learn to open their mouths boldly and say “no” to others when necessary so that they are not manipulated and no one subjugates and orders them.

Provide your children with a democratic upbringing that has its own rules but that they understand. Don’t be authoritarian, but try to justify things to them and build open communication. Your children will only lie and avoid you if you punish them for telling the truth. So listen carefully and try to talk to them sensibly so they will always turn to you for problems.

Self-confidence and the ability to defend their own rights and their own voice promote children’s self-esteem, making them strong and capable throughout life.

Finally, keep in mind that upbringing starts at home and you need to set an example as a parent or educator. Raising balanced children is not easy, but if you instill in them self-confidence, respect, and love, and set clear boundaries, your children will grow into balanced and responsible adults.

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