Enjoy A Delicious And Healthy Salad Every Day Of The Week

Salad is a very healthy meal that can be prepared using many different ingredients. It can be modified so that you do not get bored with typical combinations. 
Enjoy a delicious and healthy salad every day of the week

Salad is an essential food in a healthy and balanced diet. Many people choose to choose other appetizers that are more appealing. But a healthy salad can be a very tasty option if we work to find new and different recipes for each day.

In this article you will find 7 delicious and different salad options to get variation every day of the week.

How to Finish a Healthy Salad |

Before we start with our 7 salads, we’re going to talk about how you can healthily finish them:

  • High quality oil,  cold pressed: olive, sesame, coconut, nuts.
  • Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Sea salt in moderation. You should always avoid table salt as it is all just sodium chloride with no minerals. However, sea salt is rich in minerals.

A healthy salad for every day of the week

1. Arugula, cucumber, pear and pine nuts

Healthy salad of arugula, cucumber, pear and pine nuts.

This salad is refreshing, and above all thanks to the diuretic properties of cucumber and pear, it helps to eliminate excess fluids that accumulate in our body  and cause swelling.

Rucola, known for its slightly bitter and intense flavor, helps improve liver function. Thus, this salad is awesome to cleanse your liver after a long week.

Pine nuts enrich this salad with an extra dose of protein, minerals and essential Omega-6 fatty acids.

2. Lentils, watercress and sprouts

This lentil salad can be awesome on its own, if you will, thanks to its awesome nutritional value.

It is rich in plant proteins, minerals and amino acids, and has the ability to enhance our body’s natural defense mechanisms  to help prevent inflammation.

It is also an antioxidant, blood purifier and diuretic, making it ideal to help you recover from the ill health brought on by unhealthy foods over the weekend. It gives you a lot of energy and vitality.

3. Endives, blue cheese and walnuts

Add blue cheese to your salad - delicious!

This delicious but healthy salad will fill you with optimism and happiness in the middle of the week. The combination of these three ingredients is very normal in many restaurants that have realized that it is one of the customers ’favorites.

The fresh and bitter taste of the endives mixes with the creaminess of blue cheese, while the walnuts add to the crunchiness.

The way it is usually served is from whole leaves, separated, and stuffed with cheese and nuts.

4. Cabbage, carrots and beets

This salad is very nutritious and fills us with the energy we need to have a happy weekend. It is also good for regulating our digestive system and preventing nutritional deficiencies such as anemia. 

  • This salad is made by cutting three ingredients and putting a generous amount of sauce on them before eating (at least an hour before) to soften the taste of kale.
  • By doing this, we get a plate full of color and flavor, which is ideal when combined with meat or fish. 

5. Tomato, garlic and mozzarella

tomato and mozzarella

This Italian-style salad is very easy to prepare and is a great choice even for Fridays when we don’t have a lot of time or energy to cook.

Tomato and mozzarella are a classic combination. However, you can also support them by adding finely chopped garlic or garlic paste to the plate  before adding the other ingredients.

You can also add fresh basil leaves.

6. Avocado, pepper and onion

We had to add avocado to one of our salads, as this tropical fruit is a superfood full of vitamins, essential fatty acids, protein and fiber.  

Transform the avocado and prepare a guacamole-style salad by adding finely chopped onion and pepper.

You can add it to toast or crackers. Isn’t this the perfect salad for a Saturday night?

7. Lettuce, asparagus, tuna and hard-boiled egg 

healthy salad with egg

This is a classic salad that is perfect for enjoying on a Sunday, for example. It is a full meal that we can eat while we relax and enjoy it without rushing on  the last day of the week.

  • Two servings of animal protein, such as tuna and a hard-boiled egg, are added to a traditional salad.
  • Asparagus gives the dose freshness while providing diuretic properties.
  • You can also add homemade mayonnaise.

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