Resveratrol – Excellent Protection For The Brain

Resveratrol - excellent protection for the brain

A drug that works for everything? Sounds like a joke or at least very strange. But if ads and sales figures are to be believed, resveratrol is the miracle that has been expected. Resveratrol is believed to relieve heart and lung problems and is beneficial in minimizing the risks of cancer, obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol. It even improves the condition of the brain.

Of course, this is hard to believe. A closer look, however, proves that in fact many have already eaten resveratrol all their lives!

We will now explain in detail about this product, and why it is an excellent protection for the brain.

Resveratrol: What Is It And How Does It Work?

Resveratrol is a so-called phytoalexin, which in plain language means that it is a plant-produced enzyme that fights bacterial and fungal attacks.  It has a complex chemical structure. Most interesting, however, is that it contains oysters, peanuts, blackberries, walnuts, blueberries, and grapes and their derivatives such as wine and grape juice.

So you have certainly eaten resveratrol all your life without knowing its awesome properties!

resveratrol in red wine

This molecule was discovered in 1940 and was initially used only in the treatment of cancer. It showed an incredible ability in the oxidation-reduction reaction as well as in interaction with cells of different tissues.

Resveratrol is currently the subject of several studies, as it has been shown at the research level to provide the most diverse benefits against, among other things, carcinogens, signs of aging, and inflammation.

In particular, the antioxidant properties of resveratrol are the reason why it is considered a medicine for cell aging as well as general deterioration of the body. Capsules and creams containing resveratrol are currently sold worldwide.

Pharmacy products for sale are not counted as medicines, but rather are considered as a dietary supplement. They are made in a natural way, for example by drying the bark and seeds of black grapes, as well as using the roots of other plants.

Resveratrol is said to be the most effective antioxidant that protects against so-called free radicals, thus providing a significant anti-aging effect. But…  what is the truth of all this?

Finding out the facts

In connection with such a contradictory subject, only those consequences which have been established at the research level and which are not based solely on interpretations should be regarded as facts.

resveratrol in grapes

Resveratrol has been shown to:

  • It is an antioxidant.
  • It activates certain regulatory genes that are present in various disease-protecting organisms.
  • It can act as an anti-estrogen, or rather it can stop the action of genes that are regulated by estrogen, and it can help the disappearance of certain types of cancer.
  • It may have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Benefits on carcinogens, signs of aging, inflammation, excess cholesterol, and heart have been reported in experiments in rats and mice.
  • In in vitro studies, it affects several molecular objects and has positive effects on breast, skin, prostate, and digestive cells.
  • In large quantities, it significantly lowers blood sugar levels.
  • In experimental animals, it has been found to improve physical capacity.
  • It causes the oxidation of fatty acids, the function of mitochondria and the increase of glucose. It thus has nerve-sparing properties.

Subjects of doubt

These results have not been observed in humans so far. However, surveys are conducted on a daily basis, and at any moment they may confirm the information that has been so eagerly awaited. Until then, however, you just have to be patient.

The ability of resveratrol to investigate the following issues is currently being investigated:

  • Prevention of heart disease. However, wine, especially red wine, has already been found to benefit the heart.
  • Protective effects against oxidative damage to brain structures, as well as digestive disorders such as diabetes.
  • Impact on  improving balance and mobility for older people. The results are still unclear. Resveratrol is thought to alleviate the damage caused by free radicals associated with impaired dopamine production and is considered to prolong cell life.
  • Positive effects on human physical capacity. It has signs of aging and lowers cholesterol, as well as anti-fibrotic effects in the human body.

Excellent protection for your brain

resveratrol protects the brain

Surely now you are wondering how all this relates to the brain and its protection. It is therefore true that resveratrol strengthens and protects the brain, which is one of the most important organs in our body.

Brain cells need a steady amount of oxygen to stay healthy and function properly. But oxygen absorption per se is not always what needs to be improved in terms of thinking, learning, and maintaining good memory. Resveratrol causes, at certain doses, an increase in blood flow to the brain, and thus increases the amount of oxygen used in this area.

Another good news is that several studies suggest that phytoalexin may help fight increased cell depletion. Scientists have shown that resveratrol acts as a protection for brain cells, helping to prevent death due to lack of oxygen, for example in stroke cases. It helps prevent DNA damage and counteracts damage to the brain in dementia, such as Alzheimer’s. It also reduces the risk of developing these diseases.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these results have only been confirmed in laboratories under controlled conditions, and using much higher amounts of resveratrol than are available from food.

One last piece of advice

So now you know what resveratrol does and what it doesn’t. It has a lot of proven fantastic features. On the other hand, the other properties allegedly contained in pharmacy products have therefore not yet been proven. Therefore, before purchasing resveratrol products, keep in mind that all the necessary studies have not yet been completed.

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