Mint’s Numerous Health Properties

Mint belongs to the same genus as thyme and rosemary. It stands out from the crowd because of its digestive properties and the production of vitamins and minerals. 
Mint has numerous health properties

The properties of mint have been known for a long time. Believe it or not, there are many parts of the body that can benefit from this drink.

Mint originates from the Mediterranean region, but today it is grown all over the world. There are many different species,  but all of them belong to the  genus Menthas .

Despite this diversity, common factors can be seen in the different species of the plant, such as their strong aroma, bright green leaves, pale purple flower, and growth in moist soil.

About mint

mint growing

Let’s look a little at what this plant is like and what mint has done over time.

  • It is growing fast; both the branches and the plant itself can grow to half a meter.
  • Mint flowers can be purple or white. They then appear as plant growth develops.
  • The mint family has about 25 subspecies such as rosemary, thyme and oregano. They are all known as aromatic herbs.
  • Mint leaves are used to make tea, but they can also be utilized in essential oils and applied to external areas of the body.
  • This awesome plant  contains vitamins A and C, Omega-3 fatty acids and all kinds of minerals.
  • You need to be careful when growing mint; don’t expose it to too much sun and remember to give it enough water. The magazines are collected throughout the year.
  • Its scientific name is  “Mentha,”  which comes from a Greek nymph, the mistress of Pluto, because she was so jealous that she turned a woman into a plant.

Mint properties

In this article, we will talk about the amazing properties of this plant. You already know for sure that it is easy to grow and easy to get. Keep it at your fingertips and read more!

Mint helps with digestion

stomach problems

It is ingested after meals so that the stomach “settles in its areas”. In addition, it relieves flatulence and digests food better. It is recommended during abdominal pain because it acts as an anticonvulsant and as an antiemetic. If you feel too full, make mint tea from the mint leaves.

  • It increases the secretion of abdominal fluids  and makes it easier to reduce malaise.
  • However, it is best not to use it for too long, as it can cause gastritis or irritation of the abdominal walls.

Mint helps the respiratory system

Because mint contains menthol, it has respiratory opening properties. It is used to treat rhinitis and flu and to reduce fever. In addition, it has antiviral properties that help the respiratory system get over all kinds of diseases.

Some people utilize mint for bronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma. Those who have quit smoking or who cough a lot because of smoking can enjoy less throat hoarseness.

Mint helps the liver and intestines

Mint can be used to speed up liver function and increase bile secretion. It is used, for example, to treat stomach cramps and improve digestion if the liver is “unusable”.

It treats diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. In addition, it  helps remove intestinal gases and prevents fouling contamination or accumulation.

Mint helps with blood circulation

Mint has anticoagulant properties thanks to eugenol and rosemary acid. It improves blood circulation and treats certain related diseases such as headaches.

It can also be used to reduce the symptoms of mountain sickness, as it  allows for greater oxygen stores in the cells  and at the same time cleanses the body of toxins.

External use

Mint properties: helps with bad breath

In addition to everything we told you earlier, mint also helps:

  • In bad breath
  • In rheumatic pain
  • In skin firmness
  • It’s an awesome ally in the kitchen

Manufacture of mint tea

Make tea and relieve your current symptoms. It’s very easy.


  • 6 mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup water (125 ml)


  • First heat half a cup of water in a saucepan and add the mint leaves.
  • Then when it boils, remove it from the stove and let it simmer.
  • It is best to  drink while it is still warm.

Make sure you take advantage of everything that mint has to offer. Grow it at home and significantly improve your health with mint.

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