Pay For Cleansing Drinks

Pay for cleansing drinks

The liver is an important organ that removes bacteria, toxins, viruses, pesticides, drugs and other harmful substances from our body. It is common for the liver to sometimes become clogged and need cleansing. But how can you cleanse your liver? Stewed drinks are a great way to cleanse the liver naturally. We will tell you how to use liver cleansing drinks.

According to natural medicine, the first step in treating the disease is to remove toxins from the body. In this way, the body achieves a healthier balance. To prevent you from getting any liver disease, it is a good idea to clean your liver at least once or twice a month using nature’s own medicines. So let’s try to pay for cleansing drinks.

How do you know when your liver needs cleansing?

Liver pain costs cleansing drinks

If your liver is full of toxins or is inflamed or blocked by substances that prevent it from performing its normal functions, you usually have the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of weight in the abdominal area
  • Lack of appetite
  • The food you eat makes you feel sick and unwell
  • Diarrhea
  • You may also have a fever, which is a sure sign that everything is not well in your body and you have some inflammation.
  • Intestinal gases
  • Headaches
  • Pains in the liver area (the liver is located just below the diaphragm, on the upper right side)
  • Pimple skin
  • Bad breath

Recommended to pay for cleansing drinks

Artichoke drink

pay for cleansing drinks from the article

This drink helps to protect the liver, cleanse it and also treat related diseases.

This drink is high in folic acid, vitamin A1, vitamin B1, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and dietary fiber. It is a very nutritious drink suitable for in the morning to be consumed for 5 consecutive days every two weeks. This will get your liver cleansed regularly.


Boil two dried artichoke petals in a cup of water. Let the drink simmer for 15 minutes, after which drink it slowly. If you suffer from some type of liver disease, you can drink that drink up to 3 times a day.

St. John’s wort drink

St. John's wort pays for a cleansing drink

The secret of St. Mary’s is in its seeds. They contain silymarin, a flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant. It helps the liver regenerate, facilitates the digestion of fats and prevents the penetration of toxic substances into liver cells. St. John’s wort is a very suitable and necessary substance for the removal of toxins.


St. John’s wort seeds are available in health food stores . It is one of the best-selling natural products. However, its benefits do not pass 100% when stewed because silymarin is an active ingredient that is not water soluble.

Experts recommend taking St. John’s wort seeds as capsules or pills. However, if you want to enjoy the marjoram stewed, take a tablespoon of the marjoram seeds, crush them and add them to a cup of boiling water. Let simmer for 20 minutes.

Sage drink

Sage cleanses the liver

The sage drink is perfect for cleansing the liver , relieving its ailments and removing toxins. Drink a drink after meals.


Sage is readily available. Many grow sage as a medicinal herb itself. It is also available in stores.

Prepare a sage drink by adding 4 grams of sage leaves and flowers to a cup of boiling water. Let simmer for 15 minutes.

Dandelion drink

Dandelion tea for liver cleansing

Dandelion tea is a great liver stimulant. It both cleanses and improves liver function. You can drink it in the afternoon or after meals, in which case it also helps with digestion.


Add a palm of dried dandelion leaves and flowers to a cup of boiling water and let simmer. Drink no more than two cups a day.

Boldo plant drink

Boldo plant

Boldo plant drink helps with digestion, it takes care of the well-being of the stomach and intestines and above all it protects the liver. It is a great ally.


This plant is available in health food stores. It is easy to prepare, you just need to add a teaspoon of dried leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let simmer and drink after meals.

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