7 Tips For Disinfecting Vegetables And Fruits

Both vinegar and apple cider vinegar are very effective substances in getting rid of possible bacteria in vegetables and fruits as well as pesticide residues. Learn more about this article!
7 tips for disinfecting vegetables and fruits

Eating fruits and vegetables daily is one of the most recommended ways.  That maintains both our physical and mental well-being.

While all the different food groups are important, these two stand out from the crowd as they are one of the main sources of essential nutrients. Nutritionists recommend eating them raw,  as this will give you the most health benefits.

However, nutritionists recommend that you be careful when eating vegetables. This is because it is necessary to disinfect them to avoid becoming ill due to residues of bacteria or insecticides. 

You can’t deny that vegetables aren’t healthy. On the other hand, their surface is usually exposed to fouls and chemicals that can have a negative effect on your body. 

Fortunately, there are several natural ways to disinfect fruits and vegetables. They even make you prepare vegetables ready to eat without changing their taste or texture.

Let’s look at them!

1. Vinegar

vinegar for disinfecting vegetables

Vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties  that can be used to disinfect fruits and vegetables.

It is a 100% natural substance. For this reason, it does not affect the taste of the food or reduce its nutritional value. 

How to use it

  • Add a drop of vinegar to a container filled with water. Use liquid to wash the fruits and vegetables you plan to eat.
  • This way you make sure you get rid of all the spores.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice has natural acids that give it antibacterial properties. In addition to its essential nutrients, these acids help cleanse fruits and vegetables, making them safer to eat.

Lemon usually manages to  disinfect without changing the taste of the food. Sometimes, however, lemon juice can leave an acidic aroma.

How to use it

  • Add the juice of several lemons to a bowl of water. Soak fruits and vegetables for 10 minutes. 
  • Rinse them with more clean water and eat.

3. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil for vegetable disinfection

Essential tea tree oil should not be consumed directly. Its antibacterial compounds can still be used as disinfectants for  fruits and vegetables.

Add it to a large amount of water and you will get an antiseptic liquid. This is great for removing spores and toxins or chemical residues.

How to use it

  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a container of hand-warm water.
  • Soak the fruit in the liquid or spray it from the shower bottle on any food you want to disinfect.

4. Baking soda

Baking soda solution is perfect for disinfecting any fruits or vegetables that are too dirty.

Its abrasive forces help get rid of all traces of dirt and bacteria.  This leaves the surface clean and completely disinfected.

How to use it

  • Add a few tablespoons of baking soda to the water in your hand  and use the liquid to clean the foods.
  • Rub with your hands to make the mixture work on the surface of the vegetables.

5. Hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide for fruit disinfection

The combination of water and hydrogen peroxide is a simple solution. It cleans foods like this before they are prepared.

This is an effective antibacterial agent. After use, it removes spores that cause inflammation.

How to use it

  • Add one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts water.  Soak fruits and vegetables in this mixture for 5 minutes before eating.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is the most common of all for disinfecting foods like this. However, you can also benefit from the properties of apple cider vinegar.

Its natural compounds eliminate certain types of bacteria. It also gets rid of chemicals and other toxic residues on the skin.

How to use it

  • Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to a container with plenty of water. Then soak the fruits and vegetables you plan to eat.
  • You can also put it in a spray bottle to spray it on vegetables. 

7. Sea salt

sea ​​salt for disinfecting vegetables

Sea salt has antiseptic properties that can act as a disinfectant for certain types of fruits and vegetables.

But unlike previous ways, using it can significantly change the taste. This is because it leaves a salty hue.

For this reason, you can use it for ingredients that will be used later in a recipe. 

How to use it

  • Add a tablespoon of salt to a container of hand-warm water. Then rub the liquid on the surface of your ingredients.
  • Rinse the vegetables if they still have a very salty taste.

As you can see, there are several ways to ensure that you disinfect your vegetables and fruits. 

Although you don’t usually notice it, your food may contain spores and harmful compounds. Be careful!

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