Prepare A Delicious Beetroot Salad

Beets can be prepared in many other ways, such as roasted, in soups and puree. As you learn how to make this delicious beet salad, you will get a colorful and nutritious meal.
Prepare a delicious beetroot salad

Beets are vegetables that have an edible root tuber. The tuber has a very characteristic taste and color. Beetroot salad is a delicious way to enjoy this vegetable.

In this article, we will give you a recipe that will allow you to enjoy the distinctive taste of beets and the amazing health benefits.

Nutrients and benefits of beets

Looking for reasons to eat beets? See what amazing nutritional properties they have.

  • Beets are low in calories. Despite their sweetness, they contain only 43 kilocalories per serving.
  • They are free of fat or cholesterol, so they are not harmful to cardiovascular health. For this reason, beets are ideal food e.g. during the diet.
  • Beets contain an amino acid called betaine, which helps protect against stomach and colon cancer.
  • Beets are high in dietary fiber. This is an excellent thing for gut health.
  • They contain manganese. It strengthens bones, blood vessels, muscles and the immune system. It also regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  • Beetroot also contains potassium, which helps to build muscle mass and optimize the electrical activity of the heart.
  • They contain vitamin C, folate and magnesium. These nutrients benefit RNA and DNA and help prevent anemia.

Due to all these factors, beets are a food with great antioxidant value. According to nutrition experts, people who eat beets get a lot of nutrients.

One of the benefits of beetroot salad is that it may lower the likelihood of developing cancer and heart disease. In addition, it helps protect the eyes and naturally relieves inflammation.

Beetroot is a healthy vegetable

Buying beets

To ensure that the beets you buy are fresh and contain all of the nutrients mentioned, they must have the following characteristics:

  • The tuber must be firm when touched. If it is soft, the beets are not fresh or have not been stored properly.
  • The surface of beets should be slightly glossy. Don’t buy them if they are very opaque; it is a sign of poor storage.
  • Choose the most intensely colored beetroot with light green leaves. The more time it has taken to raise the beetroot, the lighter the color.

Apple-orange beetroot salad

This wonderful recipe comes with ingredients that together with beets form a very harmonious combination of flavors. This beetroot salad is both sweet and tart, and is great for dinner parties, Christmas tables, etc.

These ingredients are enough for about eight guests:


  • 3 beets
  • 1 nauris
  • 1 clove
  • 3 apples
  • 2 oranges
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 medium lettuce
  • 50 g of brown sugar
  • 100 g of nuts
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
The main ingredient in beetroot salad is beetroot

Preparation of beet salad

  1. Boil the beets in the water with the peel for about 40 minutes with the sugar and cloves.
  2. When the beets are ripe, remove them from the heat and peel.
  3. Chop the beets into small pieces. Save boiling water.
  4. Chop the salad into small pieces and rinse very well. Dry properly.
  5. Peel the oranges and remove the seeds. Divide the orange into pieces and cut the pieces in half.
  6. Peel and chop the turnip into small cubes.
  7. Peel and chop the apples in the same way. Apple pieces should be used as soon as possible as they will turn black.
  8. Prepare the sauce from olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  9. Put all the ingredients together and pour over the sauce and a few tablespoons of boiling water.

Beets can be prepared in many other ways, such as roasted, in soups and puree. As you learn how to make this delicious beet salad, you will get a colorful and nutritious meal from beets.

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