5 Juice Drinks To Combat Swelling And Flatulence

The ingredients in these recipes work to cleanse the body, in addition to keeping you feeling full. This increases the secretion of stomach acids, which in turn improves digestive function and prevents the formation of intestinal gases and edema.
5 juice drinks to combat swelling and flatulence

The abdomen is one of the most sensitive areas of the body and is easily inflamed and irritated by food. Abdominal edema and symptom are common, especially in those with food hypersensitivity, PMS symptoms, constipation, and flatulence. In this article, we present five juice drinks to combat swelling and flatulence.

The swelling makes you feel uncomfortable and heavy, and in addition, it makes your stomach look bottled. Fortunately, edema can be treated naturally and gently, as many natural ingredients are well suited for controlling stomach upsets. At the same time, you prevent embarrassing flatulence.

In this article, we will give you instructions on how to make five proven effective drinks that combine the healing effects of many different fruits. With these drinks you restore the balance of the stomach, eliminate swelling and prevent indigestion. Let’s see what these juice drinks are for overcoming swelling and flatulence.

5 juices to relieve flatulence and relieve swelling

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera can be used to overcome flatulence.


Aloe vera has many medicinal effects and is suitable as a digestive aid. The area has a mild laxative effect that enhances normal bowel function and prevents excessive accumulation of intestinal gases during the digestive process. Aloe helps keep the gut clean and functional.


  • Desi aloe Vera gel
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 15 ml of liquid leaf green
  • 100 ml of water


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth.
  • Enjoy on an empty stomach and allow the drink to be absorbed at least half an hour before breakfast.

Papaya, oats and flax seeds

These three ingredients form a delicious and nutritious juice that is high in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes that improve digestive function, prevent constipation and reduce swelling.

In addition, the drink fills the stomach, keeps hunger at bay and gives the body plenty of nutrients. The drink is suitable as part of a dieter’s diet.


  • 140 g of chopped papaya
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds
  • 500 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • A small drop of honey, do not use sugar


  • Add all the ingredients to the blender, let the drink mix for a few minutes. Do not strain but enjoy as is.
  • Enjoy a drink every day for a week on an empty stomach, take a week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Pineapple, grapefruit and green tea

This drink helps to cleanse the intestines.


When waste products accumulate in the gut and digestion slows down, it can lead to many different problems such as swelling, flatulence and general discomfort.

This natural juice combines the benefits of citrus and the refreshing and rejuvenating effect of green tea. With this drink you cleanse the intestines effectively.


  • 115 g of crushed pineapple
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Juice of one grapefruit
  • 250 ml of green tea
  • Honey


  • Add pineapple, grapefruit and green tea to the blender.
  • Add lemon juice and honey if the drink needs sweetening. Enjoy on an empty stomach for 21 consecutive days.

Carrot, garlic and alfalfa

Toxins and waste products accumulating in the intestines can cause swelling, flatulence, digestive problems and other ailments.

This drink removes all waste products from the intestines and enhances the growth of good quality bacteria – so try it to overcome swelling and flatulence.


  • 200 ml of carrot juice
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 celery bar
  • A handful of alfalfa


  • Wash and peel a few carrots and juice them. Rinse the celery and juice it as well. Pour the juices into a blender and add the garlic and alfalfa.
  • Let the drink stir for a few minutes and enjoy without sifting.
  • Enjoy a drink on an empty stomach, wait at least 2 hours before eating breakfast. This allows the drink to melt in peace.

Apple and plum

The fibers contained in the apple and plum keep the stomach in good condition.


Fiber is an important part of the digestive system and bowel movements. Fiber facilitates the passage of feces in the intestine and prevents constipation. The fiber also keeps the stomach full for longer.

This juice combines apple and plum, both of which contain fiber. By consuming the drink, you prevent swelling, constipation, flatulence and keep your stomach flat.


  • 5 fresh plums
  • Half an apple with peel
  • 240 ml of water
  • Honey


  • Remove the plum stones and chop. Remove the apple seed coat, do not peel the apple. Add the chopped plum and apple to the blender, pour the water behind. Stir evenly and enjoy immediately.
  • You can add honey to the juice if you think it needs sweetening. Enjoy the drink on an empty stomach and let it act for 40 minutes before eating.

Take note of these!

If you suffer from swelling regularly, you may want to change your diet. Sometimes the swelling is due to the foods we eat, and by eating a healthy diet it can be prevented relatively easily. Especially avoid these:

  • Red meat
  • Sausages
  • Dairy products
  • Sugar
  • White flour

If the problems persist despite dietary changes, you may want to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe allergy tests to determine food hypersensitivity. Sometimes the symptom can be caused by something else, so prolonged symptoms should always be mentioned to your doctor.

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