Making Melon Jam

You can easily make melon jam by taking advantage of the natural properties of this fruit. In this article, we’ll give you 3 good recipes you can try in your home kitchen.
Preparation of melon jam

Melon jam is a new way to enjoy this delicious fruit. It is high in phytonutrients and antioxidants, but melon also has a high sugar content. Because of this, you shouldn’t include it in your daily diet, but it’s a good choice for parties.

Unfortunately, melon jam is hard to find. It’s not usually found in supermarkets, so it’s best to do it at home. In this article, we’ll give you 3 recipes if you want to try making this sweet treat at home.


First, the melon is distinguished by its water content. Hydration is an important factor in maintaining health. According to a study in emergency clinics in North America, excessive dehydration causes the body system to become ineffective.

Melon, on the other hand, contains pigments and other antioxidant phytonutrients. In fact, these have been shown to neutralize the formation of free radicals. This process is associated with poorer health and the development of chronic diseases in the medium and long term.


  • 2 pounds of pure melon
  • Grated 1 peel of lemon
  • 5 dl sugar
  • Ground cinnamon

Preparation instructions

The first thing you need to do is cut and clean the melon. You need to remove all the seeds, then cut it into small pieces and put the pieces in a saucepan.

Then it is important to add the sugar and lemon zest and let the mixture rest for at least 24 hours so that it macerates properly. To do this, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

After 24 hours, heat the melon mixture on a stove over medium heat. Next, add a couple of tablespoons (or to taste) of ground cinnamon. Stir the mixture from time to time and allow the mixture to cook for 2 hours.

When it’s done, you should have a dense and thick jam. You don’t have to do anything else. The jam is ready to be canned.

Fill the jars with jam and sterilize it in a water bath to improve its shelf life.

Another recipe for making melon jam

Melon is also distinguished by its content of soluble fibers, like many other fruits. It can occur at the intestinal level and positively affect the intestinal microbe. This is according to a study by the British Journal of Nutrition .

The main raw material of melon jam is melon.

We now offer another option for making melon jam. This has slightly different organoleptic properties.


  • 2 pounds of pure melon
  • 3 dl sugar
  • 1 lemon juice

Preparation instructions

This recipe has less sugar, so it’s less sweet. The first thing is to peel the melon well, as in the previous recipe. It is also important to allow the melon to be made with the sugar overnight in the refrigerator so that any liquid can be released.

The next day, add the lemon juice to the mixture. Heat it in a pan over medium heat for about 30 minutes until the melon is dissolved.

It is important to remove the mixture from the pan to prevent it from sticking as quickly as possible. Finally, you can keep it in a jar just like in the first recipe.

The third way to make melon jam

If you’re not a fan of the first two recipes, we’ll show you the third one you might be interested in. We recommend trying all three options and choosing your favorites because they all have a slightly different taste.


  • 2 pounds of pure melon
  • 1 apple
  • 3 dl sugar
  • Peel of a half lemon

Preparation instructions

First peel the melon and apple and cut them into large pieces. Then place them in a bowl with the sugar. Cover the dish and place it in the refrigerator to macerate overnight. Immediately afterwards, add the lemon zest, add the mixture to the saucepan and cook over medium heat.

It is important to stir the mixture every now and then and let it cook for at least half an hour. During this time, the structure of the jam changes until it becomes homogeneous.

Store ready jam in glass jars.

Make melon jam

With the three recipes we provide, you can make melon jam easily. Melon jam is a good alternative to more traditional fruit jams. Unfortunately, melon jam is not always available in stores, so now you can do it yourself. You will fall in love with the taste of melon jam!

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