Why Are My Hair Leaving?

Hair starts and new ones grow every day, but sometimes hair loss can be a sign of a more serious health problem.
Why do my hair leave?

We lose 50-100 hairs daily and that is perfectly normal. Hair has different stages: some grow, some stay, and some hair leave.

In this article, we’ll explore why hair leaves, and where we can get help if more people leave.

Some causes of hair loss

the woman is horrified to see her hairbrush

There are several causes of hair loss, and here are the most common:

  • Clogged hair follicles
  • Bad shampoo
  • Poor diet
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain medicines
  • Stress
  • Iron deficiency
  • Thyroid problems

Hair loss due to poor diet

Poor nutrition, whether  due to a vitamin deficiency or a restricted diet, causes hair to lose its shine and become weaker.

Stress also has a big impact, as do unstable lifestyles, and they raise insulin levels. For that reason, we are often attracted to foods high in sugar, such as sweets as well as carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

These foods cause harmful cell inflammation in your body. A good way to prevent hair loss is to include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Recommended foods to prevent hair loss

The most important nutrients of all are vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Vitamin A:  It is obtained from liver, butter, eggs and cheese.
  • Many B vitamins:  it is obtained from rice, wheat, lentils, nuts and wheat germ.
  • Vitamin C:  It is obtained from all citrus fruits, especially oranges, lime, grapefruit, kiwi and spinach.
  • Iron:  it is obtained from mussels, oysters, lentils, chickpeas and liver.
  • Zinc:  It is abundant in celery, asparagus, wheat germ, chickpeas and liver.

Poor hair care that can cause them to leave

woman meditating

In some cases, hair loss caused by poor care may occur. It is due  to holding the hair with the pony tail too tight as well as using the pins with too much force. 

This hair loss is due to the constant exposure of the hair to excessive tension. In most cases, hair loss is reversible,  but over time it can become permanent.

  • It is recommended  to leave your hair open and cut it for your own comfort, unless it is already short.

Another possible ill-treatment is  excessive heat treatment. Conditioners, hair dyes and hot air blowers are dangerous for the hair follicle.

As a result, the hair weakens and eventually falls out.

  • It is important to use natural products that are free of chemicals, parabens, salt or ammonia.
  • Natural products make your hair grow healthy and natural without allergies or scalp diseases.
  • You can also make ingredients at home to strengthen your hair.

Permanent and light colors as well as any coloring and shampoo that is completely chemical will be abrasive and damaging to your hair.

Using plastic combs and brushes with artificial bristles can damage your scalp. Brushes made of natural bristles are recommended as they do not damage your scalp.

Warning signs

You should pay special attention if you notice any of the following signs. You should also see a dermatologist if:

  • Hair loss is severe and persistent.
  • After 2-4 months, your hair density has decreased.
  • Your hair is thinner and weaker.

Other signs you should watch out for are:

  • Leaving eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Hair loss leaves distinct bald spots on the  scalp.
  • There is a burning sensation in less dense areas.
  • There is inflammation or redness in the area of ​​hair loss.

Effective treatments to prevent hair loss

brush your hair until the hair comes off
  • Capillary therapy:  treats baldness from the first symptoms and can resort to hair transplantation in problem areas, leading to natural-looking results without scarring.
  • Anti-hair loss products:  These products can help prolong the growth phase and slow down hair loss. One of the most widely used hair loss medications is  minoxidil.

Keep in mind all these necessary dietary requirements, hair care products, and the products you use. Your hair will thank you!

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