Teeth Whitening Naturally

There are some familiar products that will help you whiten your teeth naturally at home as well. In addition, it is important to know that if the goal is to improve tooth color, you should avoid some common ways that are harmful to your teeth. These include drinking coffee and smoking, which cause teeth to turn yellow.
Teeth whitening naturally

Today, there are many different types of commercial products for teeth whitening, and many of them are very popular. Still, it must be remembered that these are often made from chemicals and other non-natural ingredients, and this can result in damage to the tooth enamel. This damage can be so bad that the condition of the teeth can no longer be repaired after use. Teeth whitening should therefore be treated naturally.

Natural remedies do not cause harm to the teeth, nor do large amounts of money be needed to improve the appearance of the mouth. So if you want whiter teeth and are interested in trying natural ingredients instead of industrial products, keep reading! You may have already read about these “tricks” in many places and wondered if they really work – the answer is that yes, many natural products have whitening effects on your teeth.

Why do teeth turn yellow or stained?

teeth whitening naturally

Your teeth will be covered with mica, which is a bit porous and will “fill” with what you put in your mouth – which is why you may find that if you drink red wine or eat blueberries, your teeth will turn a little purple. Fortunately, this is only a momentary problem, because when you brush your teeth, the dark color goes away.

There are still some foods and drinks that cause more permanent discoloration in the teeth. Over time, teeth often become yellowish or brownish, and this is generally a completely normal phenomenon.

The high acid content of some foods is also detrimental to the teeth. Consumption of meat, dairy products, eggs, citrus fruits, processed sugar, beer, industrial sweeteners, soft drinks, confectionery and vegetable oils often has a negative effect on tooth color and enamel.

As you can see, when it comes to teeth whitening products, the list is very long – and many of these products are in the diet of many of us on a daily basis.

One typical mistake in dental care is that they are brushed immediately after a meal. While this helps prevent holes from developing, it leaves very little time for the enamel to harden again after eating.

Which foods help whiten teeth?

teeth whitening
Some foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, are helpful when the goal is to eliminate tooth yellowing by natural means.

While some foods cause teeth to turn yellow, others can do the opposite, and many fruits and vegetables can improve tooth color – examples include pear, apple, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli and spinach.

Some of these foods have an anti-yellowing effect because they are high in fiber, while some have nutrients that create a protective layer on the tooth enamel. This layer then helps prevent tooth discoloration.

Cheese, on the other hand, is whitened because it contains proteins and fats that neutralize the acids contained in other foods. It also stimulates saliva production, and this is good because saliva contains phosphorus and calcium – this way the tooth regains the minerals it has lost.

Teeth whitening naturally with home treatments

Here are some easy tricks to try if you want to get rid of tooth yellowing, but commercial solutions aren’t appealing.

Orange peel

The orange peel, and especially its white part, which is found on the inner surface just above the flesh of the fruit, is a great natural help in reducing tooth yellowing. This part of the orange is called mesocarp and contains a substance that has a whitening effect on the teeth.

  1. Take that part of the orange peel out and rub the surface against your teeth for 45 seconds.
  2. After half an hour, brush your teeth.

Strawberry and baking soda

This fruit acts as an effective natural whitening product, and you can make a paste from strawberries and baking soda that you put on your teeth.

  1. Just crush the strawberries and then mix them with baking soda.
  2. Put the paste on your teeth and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then wait for half an hour and finally brush your teeth.
  3. Do not put this mixture on your teeth very often – it is recommended to use it only once a week or two at the maximum.

Activated carbon powder

  1. Put activated carbon on your toothbrush and brush each tooth.
  2. While this ingredient may look and feel a little strange if you haven’t experimented with activated carbon before, it’s perhaps the best natural way to whiten your teeth.

Other good ways to whiten teeth naturally

  • Eat a slice of papaya or apple every day as these two fruits strengthen the gums as well as help whiten teeth.
  • Put two tablespoons of sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Allow the water to cool and then gargle your mouth with it. You can also directly chew sage leaves to benefit from its whitening effect.
  • Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of water, and rub the liquid gently on the yellowed teeth. Then rinse off with plenty of water, and make sure you do not swallow any of this mixture.
  • Prepare the paste from one tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, two tablespoons of salt and water. Then brush your teeth with the mixture just as you would with a normal toothpaste, and be careful not to swallow it at all.
  • Mix a desi of brewer’s yeast with two teaspoons of salt to make a paste. Brush your teeth using the mixture, and be careful not to swallow it.

Teeth whitening naturally with baking soda

teeth whitening
Alternatively, you can use a recipe as simple as baking soda and water to reduce tooth yellowing if the above means sound too special or laborious.

All of the above tricks are very effective aids if you are determined to restore your teeth to their former beautiful brightness, but when it comes to effectiveness, baking soda is certainly the best choice if you want the clearest results naturally.

It is a product that serves as a good alternative to expensive finished products in trade and various treatments. Baking soda is also a very cheap product and is also healthier for your teeth than many other whitening solutions.

  1. Pour only 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the cup and moisten your toothbrush with water.
  2. Then moisten the brush with baking soda so that it stays on the brush and you can use it like a toothpaste.

You may notice a salty or sour taste in your mouth, but don’t worry! Yes, this taste disappears as soon as you gargle your mouth with water. Remember that this treatment should not be repeated often, up to once a month,  otherwise it may cause damage to the tooth enamel.

A few more tips to keep your tooth color brighter

  • Keep your mouth clean to the best of your ability.
  • Do not use great force when brushing your teeth, but always be gentle.
  • Always use dental floss.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and soft drinks, because as we mentioned, these all cause teeth to turn yellow.

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