Quitting Smoking: 3 Recipes To Relieve Withdrawal Symptoms

Did you know that vitamin C can be an effective aid in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms after smoking cessation?
Quitting smoking: 3 recipes to relieve withdrawal symptoms

One of the biggest problems associated with quitting smoking is severe withdrawal symptoms, which can make smoking difficult. When withdrawal symptoms strike, it may seem impossible to continue non-smoking.

The whole body, and especially the brain, is so accustomed to nicotine in the body that when the brain registers a nicotine deficiency, they cause various symptoms around the body: these symptoms are known as withdrawal symptoms.

It is good to remember that quitting smoking is a different process for everyone and some suffer from withdrawal symptoms more severely than others. The same strategies may not be suitable for everyone. This is why it is important to find just the right tools for your needs.

Mornings in particular can be awkward for those who have stopped smoking: usually the morning routine includes the first cigarette of the day, perhaps enjoyed with coffee. If you don’t get a cigarette in the morning, you may feel irritated, nervous, and sore all day.

Smoking is part of the daily routine

Most smokers crave a cigarette at certain times and in certain situations:

  • In the morning as soon as I wake up
  • At social events
  • After eating
  • When drinking coffee
  • During breaks at work


the skeleton smokes

Of all the moments mentioned above , the hardest part is getting over the morning habit of grabbing a cigarette box and hissing. Below we take a closer look at why it is so difficult not to smoke your first tobacco in the morning.

After resting overnight without smoking, the level of nicotine in the body decreases. When you wake up, your brain registers a nicotine deficiency and encourages you to smoke. When the brain becomes addicted to nicotine, it tries to keep the nicotine level in the bloodstream steady, which arouses a craving for smoking.

  • Nerve cells need this toxic stimulant as it has become part of their daily activities.
  • Without nicotine, the body begins to undergo changes in metabolism and other physical processes by which it tries to replace the missing nicotine. At the same time, the body arouses a craving for smoking.
  • People who smoke often smoke one or two cigarettes as soon as they wake up and sometimes even before breakfast. This is very harmful to health.
  • Once you have decided to dedicate yourself to quitting smoking, it is good to know that the worst withdrawal symptoms are after the first three days of smoking. After three days, the brain begins to crave nicotine furiously and the withdrawal symptoms worsen.

Quitting smoking requires determination and willpower. Controlling the morning withdrawal symptoms in particular can be difficult. Below you will find three recipes for controlling withdrawal symptoms in the mornings.

Quitting Smoking: 3 Better Ways to Start Your Morning

banish smoking withdrawal symptoms with this vitamin water

Recipe 1: Medicated water drink

This natural, cleansing and antioxidant drink will help you eliminate the toxins accumulated by smoking and give you plenty of vitamin C.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ginseng root
  • 15 grapes
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 ice cubes


The strong flavors of lemon and ginger are great for relieving withdrawal symptoms. Remember to use organic products whenever possible.

  • Squeeze the lemon and orange juice into a bowl. Also save the lemon zest (be sure to wash the fruit thoroughly before use.) Wash the carrots and cut them into pieces. Pour both the juice and the carrot pieces into the blender. Mix until smooth.
  • Add ginseng, ginger and grapes to the drink. Finally, add a liter of water and lemon zest. Add a few more pieces of ice when you are ready to enjoy the drink.
  • Enjoy your mornings as soon as you wake up. A fresh and refreshing drink will give you an energizing feeling similar to the first cigarette of the morning.

Recipe 2: Cleanse the lungs


  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  • Pour the water into the pot and bring to a boil. Chop the onion into four parts and add to boiling water. Then add ginger, turmeric and honey.
  • Let the mixture boil on low heat for 35-40 minutes. The composition of the mixture should become syrupy thick.
  • Once the mixture has boiled, allow it to cool for half an hour and strain. Enjoy two tablespoons of this syrup every morning.

Recipe 3: licorice root tea


  • 1 tablespoon licorice root (available at health food stores)
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Licorice root is an antibacterial, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and fluid-binding substance that is ideally suited for the treatment and prevention of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, remove from the heat and allow the licorice root to extract for 20 minutes in hot water.
  • Allow the liquid to cool, sweeten with honey and enjoy a cup of extract in the morning.

This extract is a delicious and effective helper for quitting smoking as it prevents withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Try it today!

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