Honey And Onions: An Effective Treatment For Cough

Coughing is a body defense mechanism that arises from the sudden and violent removal of air from the lungs. The purpose of coughing is to remove harmful and foreign substances from the lungs.
Honey and onion: an effective treatment for cough

Coughing can be dry or mucous. Short-term mucous cough should not be a concern, as the cough usually occurs with the flu or other inflammation, and coughing is the body’s way of getting rid of mucus in the lungs. A dry cough, on the other hand, is not caused by the accumulation of mucus, but can be a sign of irritation or inflammation that needs to be treated before it becomes a chronic ailment.

Many rely on cough medicines and other medications to treat and control cough. However, excessive use of cough syrups and other medications can cause nasty health symptoms, and we recommend that you turn to natural remedies for cough treatment. A mucous cough often heals on its own when the inflammation subsides, but a long-lasting and severe cough requires treatment.

Natural cough suppressants relieve cough and soothe the lungs, removing mucus and relieving irritation. These ingredients have an antibiotic effect that eliminates inflammatory bacteria and viruses. In this article, we share a guide to an effective cough medicine made from onion and honey.

Effective treatment for cough from honey and onions

treatment of cough from honey and onions

The combination of honey and onion is known for its healing efficacy, and both substances have been used to treat coughs since ancient times. Both onion and honey have an antibiotic and mucus-removing effect that relieves the symptoms of cough and prevents cough worsening and prolongation. In addition, onion and honey enhance the resistance, which is then able to fight pathogens more effectively – the inflammation heals faster and does not recur as easily.

  • Benefits and Uses of Honey Honey is identified in medical circles and by the WHO as a potential agent for coughs and flu. Honey relieves sore throat in particular, as it disinfects the throat and removes bacteria that cause pain and inflammation. Honey also has a beneficial effect in relieving cough. In addition, honey has an antioxidant effect that increases the production of cytokines. Cytokines have a positive effect on the function of resistance.
  • Benefits and Uses of  Onions : Onions are known around the world for their mucus-removing effect, which is effective in treating coughs. Onions help eliminate bacteria, remove blockages and stimulate airway cleansing. Onions are rich in antioxidants, cleansing ingredients and toxin-repellent compounds that help keep the cough under control and cure it. The onion is therefore great for treating cough and throat irritation.

This natural cough medicine combines the healing and healing effects of both honey and onion, which relieves coughs and enhances resistance. Onions or honey have no side effects, and the treatment can also be used to relieve cough in children over 1 year of age.

Honey and onions – recipe 1


  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons honey

Manufacture and use

  • Peel an onion, cut into large slices and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Add two tablespoons of honey and lemon juice.
  • Enjoy a drink 2-3 times a day to relieve cough.

Honey and onions – recipe 2


  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey

Manufacture and use

  • This is perhaps the easiest way to enjoy onions and honey to treat coughs. Peel an onion and cut it into small slices, fold in a bowl. Add the honey afterwards and let the honey soak into the onion overnight.
  • Strain the liquid the next morning with either a sieve or cloth and use the dose throughout the day.
  • You can enjoy the syrup as is or mix it with a glass of water – the syrup may taste strongly oniony and unpleasant to some tastes.
  • We recommend eating a tablespoon of syrup every two hours.

Whether you make the first or the second of the above recipes, their effect is not immediately noticeable. Be sure to take the syrup regularly to relieve the cough, this way you will get effective relief from the cough. Remember that if the cough persists for a long time or you have difficulty breathing with a cough, you should see a doctor – especially if the cough bothers young children.

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