12 Ways To Use Toothpaste

12 ways to use toothpaste

Did you know that you can use toothpaste for  more than just brushing your teeth? There are many types of toothpaste and it serves as an emergency in many different situations. Did the hair gel run out just before the party? Are your silver jewelry ugly? You can use toothpaste to set hairstyles and clean silver jewelry, and for many other situations. Read more!

There are many ways to use toothpaste

you can use toothpaste for many things

As a hair gel

The composition of the toothpaste is similar to that of a hair gel. If your hair gel suddenly runs out even while you are doing a hairstyle, you can replace the gel with toothpaste. However, toothpaste should not be used on the hair continuously as it can damage the hair.

For cleaning your computer keyboard and phone screen

Wipe the computer keyboard with a soft cloth that you first moisten with water. Add a pinch of toothpaste to the cloth and rub on the keypad or phone screen. Wipe off with a damp cloth. You will notice how your devices are cleaned of all dirt and stains.

Glass cleaner

Mirrors, bathroom doors and windows get dirty quickly from moisture. You can tidy up the bathroom windows and mirrors and other glass surfaces with a pinch of toothpaste and a cleaning sponge. Let the toothpaste work for a while and wipe off with a damp cloth.

Insect bites

Toothpaste is recommended to soothe itching and swelling caused by insect bites. Press a small pinch of toothpaste on the insect bite and let it work overnight.

Strong odors

you can use toothpaste to remove odors

Onions, fish and garlic can leave a nasty odor in their hands when cooking. Even certain fruits and vegetables leave a bad smell. Apply toothpaste to hands and nails, leave on for a while and rinse off with warm water. Odors are guaranteed to disappear.

Stain removal

Some stains get stuck on clothes and don’t seem to come off with any cleaning products. Try adding a small amount of toothpaste directly on top of the stain and rub it on the fabric. Wash the clothes normally.

Stains caused by hair dyes

If you dye your hair at home, you can sometimes accidentally splash hair dye on a towel or clothes. Fortunately, hair color stains come off with toothpaste. Apply toothpaste to the stain and wash it normally in the washing machine.

Sometimes hair dye adheres to the earlobes or temples, so it’s a good idea to protect them before coloring with toothpaste. Apply it to the areas where the hair dye must be applied: to the neck, hairline and ears. You can also apply the paste to your shoulders and back. There is no need to use a thick layer of toothpaste, a small amount is enough.

Shiny nails

Toothpaste acts as a nail cleaner and strengthener. If your nails are yellowed or otherwise stained due to excessive varnishing and wear, toothpaste will lighten and brighten them to their former condition. Rub the nails with an old toothbrush and toothpaste brush.

Bad-smelling baby feeding bottles

you can use toothpaste to clean baby bottles

With prolonged use, baby feeding bottles often begin to smell unpleasant. You don’t have to buy new bottles, a good cleaning toothpaste will help remove the odor. Use a bottle brush and toothpaste, rub the bottles thoroughly inside and out and rinse.

The toothpaste is also suitable for cleaning other kitchen utensils and utensils: glass jars, thermos bottles and storage jars.

Clear silver jewelry

Brush your jewelry with an old toothbrush and toothpaste. First, apply toothpaste all over the jewelry and let it work overnight. Wipe with a brush the next day and clean the paste with a damp cloth. Your jewelry will shine again like new!

Remove the burnt layer from the irons

Sometimes a burnt layer accumulates on the iron, which may stain clothes. Rub iron toothpaste and whisk until the layer comes off. Remove the paste with a damp cloth.

Shoe cleaning

If your shoes are made of plastic, you can rub them with a brush and a toothpaste to remove stains. This is especially suitable for plastic-based children’s shoes and sports shoes. White soles are easily soiled, especially during heavy wear, and are difficult to clean.

Toothpaste is a great way to brighten your shoes, as you don’t have to wait for them to dry after washing, you can just wipe the toothpaste off with a damp cloth.

use toothpaste for whatever

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