Learn To Listen To Your Body

Learn to listen to your body

Listening to your body is important because your body has all the answers to your feelings. Don’t stifle your feelings, but listen to your heart and let it shine.

Why is listening to your body important?

Many illnesses are caused by or are a direct result of prolonged repression of emotions. Denial of emotions leads to increased levels of stress and constant alertness, which strains the body. This condition prevents you from seeing and understanding what is going on inside your body.

You have to listen to your body. The body hides responses to all your discomfort, restlessness, and remorse, as well as haunting pain, distracting thoughts, and healing processes that you don’t give enough time to.

The digestive system is known as the other brain of the body as it directly affects mood and emotions. The gut functions independently of brain function. According to experts, 95% of the serotonin produced by the body is produced in the intestine.

This is one of the many reasons why whole body health should be approached attentively and listened to.

listening to the body: pain

Where do you start listening to your body?

Start with simple things. If you are tired, rest. If you need to get to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. If you cry, cry. Pay attention to your own reactions, your breathing and your heartbeat. Listen to your inner voice.

As you read this text, your breathing is either accelerated or slowed. What do you feel right now? If you read about digestive problems or your menstrual cycle, what does it make you feel in your own body? Do you experience special feelings as you think about these things?

You need to give yourself a chance to learn to understand how your body feels and how you listen to it best. If your feet are numb and numb, maybe you should get up and go for a small jog to refresh the blood circulation in your feet.

It is important to learn to trust the wisdom within the body. It is important to identify what is happening in the body and why. Humanity has evolved by great leaps in recent centuries, but our own bodies are often still a great, frightening mystery to us. We can’t give the body what it needs and we misinterpret the body’s messages.

You don’t need to know exactly what is going on in your body to react to it. You don’t need to know why your heart rate is picking up or why you’re crying or why some muscle is cramping.

Understanding comes by itself when you allow yourself to feel all your feelings. This process takes place simultaneously in the body and mind. It is for this reason that it is especially important to give yourself the opportunity to feel every feeling that rises from your body.

Listening to your body is worth it

Once you begin to experience discomfort, anxiety, or other emotions and sensations in your body, it becomes difficult to treat them.

Close your eyes and dedicate a brief moment to your well-being: think about what has happened in the last hours or days. Here’s how to find the causes and tips for the symptoms and feelings you’re experiencing.

The basic pillars of healing

If you don’t encounter the messages your body is conveying to you, this will usually lead to trouble. If you ignore the first message, the second message may hit you like a hammer.

Emotions and feelings help you live consciously and by observing your environment, they help you participate in life experiences and trust in the wisdom of your body.

Over time, you may have become isolated from yourself and not given enough value to your ability to observe yourself. Perhaps you feel that you are constantly in danger and distress, in difficulties and storms that require your attention.

Because of this, you avoid what is really important, such as dealing with emotional pain. This results in your body having to convey ever louder and louder messages to get your attention. This can lead to serious health problems.

Grief and pain, your greatest allies

One has learned to think that one should always be in a good mood, with a positive mind and have a good attitude towards life. No one can do this every day. We still haven’t fully understood that what’s really important is knowing.

You should not ignore or ignore the sadness and pain, as well as their power. These two are nature’s most powerful teachers to help you go through life more intact and wiser.

If you deny negative emotions and don’t pay attention to them, they can end up doing havoc on your body and mind. Society teaches that negative emotions are bad, but in reality they are just as important as positive emotions.

Crying is just one way to channel energy and understand the body. If you cry, let it come. Crying can cleanse and release, it helps to get over painful things and move on.

emotions and body go together

It is interesting to study how we suppress our emotions by ingesting medicines and misleading thoughts, for example, through sports. When you suppress emotions and do not encounter them, and the brain develops endorphins from other activities, the production of tears and the channeling and processing of emotions is prevented.

Tears of joy and sorrow are made up of completely different things and arise from the production of different hormones, and for very different reasons. It is important to let the tears come when you cry. Crying is an important reaction and should not be ashamed or avoided.

When you allow yourself to release all your feelings, your whole body and soul will feel lighter and purer. Both grief and joy help us live a fuller, happier life.

When you are able to allow all your emotions to be experienced, you will achieve mental clarity and brightness and see your situation clearly. Unfortunately, in many cases, we ignore all of our emotional experiences and end up living as unhappy and empty people.

Pain that ends the pain

We often end up thinking that life is just an attempt and a sacrifice, and that this makes life somehow more respectable and intense. Sure, as an idea, this seems to make sense, but in reality, life doesn’t have to be full of sacrifices.

The only path to spiritual freedom arises from being able to see all the processes that are buried under action and thought.

To reach a state where this is possible, you need to lighten your ballast and take a few steps toward a new attitude. With the right attitude, you can create healthier feelings for yourself.

Stop running away from your body’s messages and signs and start listening to your own body. Follow the example of your body and let yourself feel all the emotions inherent in the human experience. Stop burying your experiences and feelings in the mess of your soul.

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