Swelling-reducing Fruit

To prevent or treat swelling, it is important that you have a healthy and varied diet. You should eat lots of high-fiber fruits that have cleansing effects. 
Fruit to reduce swelling

There are foods that cause constipation, swelling, inflammation and flatulence. On the other hand, there are  foods that help with these problems.

In this article, we share the best fruits for relieving swelling.

Add these to your diet today!

Fruit: allies against swelling

fruits and berries

Large meals, excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats, and snacks are just some of the things that cause swelling.

Poor eating habits lead to many complications.  They have a physically negative effect, and health deteriorates.

In addition to swelling, flatulence, and constipation, many foods and habits will make you feel “pregnant.” This, in turn, is followed by laziness and lack of motivation. It’s also a bit depressing when you try on clothes in front of a mirror and no garment feels good on top.

For this reason, it is always important to maintain a healthier diet. All in all, it should be high in fiber to help your body get rid of waste products and fat.

The first thing you should change is bad dietary choices. Next comes the addition of  fresh and natural foods to the diet.

For example, fruits have great digestive properties, are low in fat and are great for hydration. At the same time, they provide a large amount of fiber to help your body get rid of toxins.

Five fruits a day is a proportionate amount.  This can mean eating one for breakfast, one as a morning snack, one after lunch, one afternoon as a snack, and one after dinner.

Fruit variation is a good idea. You should also choose seasonal fruits and domestic fruits whenever available. The fruit you buy should be organic if possible to have more nutrients left. 

What are the best fruits to fight swelling?

All fruits are good to help with this problem!

However, there are certain fruits that are more effective than others. If you want to fight swelling, constipation and flatulence, we recommend the following:

Citrus fruits


Oranges and grapefruits are 90% water. For this reason, they are perfect for getting rid of the fluids that your body accumulates. Fluid retention is the body’s natural defense mechanism to protect against dehydration.

Citrus fruits also help get rid of the sodium we get when we eat.

Lemon is a diuretic and natural laxative  if you mix it with hand-warm water and drink it in the morning. Lemon can also be added to dishes as a homemade sauce. This is much healthier than mayonnaise and similar sauces.

Watermelon, peaches and melon

Watermelon is also a fruit that is full of water. When we enjoy it, we can  get rid of the accumulation of abdominal fluid. 

We also find peaches and melons in this group of natural diuretics. All of these help get rid of fluid buildup and sodium. As a result, they reduce inflammation.


Often the swelling is due to the inability to digest certain foods well. However, it can also be due to intolerance to certain foods.

If for some reason your stomach enzymes are not doing their job properly, fats and carbohydrates will take longer to melt. This causes inflammation and flatulence.

Avocados contain an enzyme known as lipase. This enzyme has the ability to  break down fats. Avocados also provide a lot of potassium, which  helps get rid of fluids that have accumulated in the stomach. 


pineapple pieces

Pineapple consists of 85% water. It also contains the digestive enzyme bromelain. This peptide breaks down proteins found in your stomach.

For centuries, this fruit has been used in Latin America to treat indigestion. And because it’s satisfying, it helps keep you away from snacking. 


Apples are very rich in water and pectin, and they give our body several benefits. These benefits include getting rid of accumulated water, reducing swelling, and effectively filling the abdomen. 

Apples also have the ability to “digest” fat, increase urine production and remove toxins from the body. 

Apples are also high in fiber and amino acids. These are filling and will improve your digestion.

If that wasn’t enough here, this is a fruit that prevents holes and whitens teeth. It even prevents heart disease! This is because it cleanses the fat (cholesterol) in your blood.

It is advisable to eat apples with their peels  (after washing them well) to take full advantage of their benefits.



Both the juice and the seeds of this fruit are powerful allies that help us lose weight and reduce swelling.

Eating a pomegranate every day for a month will help you eliminate belly fat. This is especially true for overweight women who are going through menopause.


This is a delicious fruit that combines the perfect amount of sweetness and acidity. As a good source of fiber and water, strawberries are perfect for controlling weight and digestion. 

The amount of calories they contain is almost zero (to keep them that way we have to eat them without sugar or anything else!). In addition, they also act as a powerful diuretic and cleanse your body. 


This fruit provides a large amount of vitamin C. It can help get rid of excess body fat.

This fruit also stimulates a substance known as carnitine. This substance converts fats into energy  by burning them.

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