8 Foods To Boost The Immune System

Your immune system needs to function 100% year-round to fight infectious diseases and other health problems. To strengthen it, include these foods in your diet.
8 foods to boost the immune system

Maybe strengthening your immune system only comes to your mind during the winter. However, you need a strong and healthy immune system all year round.

In addition to avoiding stress and having good sleep, the food you eat plays an important role in preventing diseases or stopping their progression.

Today we tell you about the foods you should add to your diet to avoid getting sick and boosting your immune system.

Food and the immune system


The food you eat has a big impact on your immune system, both good and bad.

If your diet contains too much white flour, fat and sugar, your immune system is likely to be weakened and easily release viruses and bacteria.

On the other hand, if you eat healthy foods such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, your body will prepare to fight disease-causing microorganisms.

The fact that you eat less fat therefore contributes to the functioning of your immune system in addition to weight loss.

What foods should be eaten to boost the immune system?

Eating right is important for many different reasons, but especially if you want to prevent disease. A balanced diet gives the body the vitamins and trace elements it needs to fight cell aging and free radicals.

You should prepare and take the necessary steps each time the seasons change to strengthen your defense system and stay healthy. To avoid the flu, flu, and sore throat (among other diseases), the following foods should be added to your diet:

Queen jelly

This is only eaten by the queen bee in the bee cell. It contains a lot of vitamins, especially vitamins A, B, C and E.

Royal jelly also contains copper, iron and phosphorus. And in addition to all this, it also produces selenium, unsaturated fatty acids and calcium.

It helps prevent inflammation and is especially recommended for children and the elderly.

  • Take a tablespoon of queen jelly every morning on an empty stomach, without eating anything else for a moment.


Your grandmother has probably urged you to drink ginger tea to relieve the symptoms of the flu or a stuffy nose, and she wasn’t actually wrong!

Ginger root is often used in Asian cuisine and is very good for health. That is why it has been part of herbal medicine for centuries.

Ginger helps to fight off infectious diseases and improve cell health thanks to the antioxidants it contains.

To enjoy the benefits of the root, you can sprinkle it on food or make tea from it.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  • Heat the water and add the ginger there as it boils.
  • Let simmer for 5 minutes, remove from the heat and cover with a lid.
  • Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink as hot as possible.


This is another substance that bees use every day (and in this case it is used to block the hive).

Propolis is a food that is very rich in amino acids, vitamins, essential oils and bioflavonoids. All this means that it keeps viral and bacterial diseases very well at bay.

Propolis is recommended if a person has recurrent respiratory problems or if their immune system is weakened for any reason (may be due to genetic factors, severe stress, depression, etc.) and the person is more susceptible to disease.

Chicken soup


Here is another home care that our grandmothers gave us as a child when we suffered from the flu. Hot chicken broth or soup reduces nasal congestion and provides comfort during colds.

As it raises body temperature, it removes mucus. In addition, it keeps the body hydrated.


Yogurt contains a variety of good bacteria that are responsible for regulating the bacterial population in the gut while protecting the immune system.

In addition to yogurt, we also recommend kefir and other fermented foods. The probiotics contained in such products fight viruses and bacteria.

Green tea

This tea most drunk in Asia gives the body powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. They  have the ability to boost the immune system.

Catechins (another ingredient in tea) can destroy the flu virus. To enhance the properties of green tea, we recommend sweetening it with honey.


garlic to boost the immune system

A clove of garlic a day keeps the doctor at bay! Have you ever heard of this? Garlic also helps strengthen the immune system.

In addition to its characteristic strong taste and aroma, garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allicin, which boost the immune system.

It can be used in all types of recipes and enjoy its effectiveness against the flu, runny nose and sore throat.


Spinach makes you as strong as Kippari-Kallen and also prevents you from getting sick. It is a superfood that can be enjoyed in a number of different ways: pies, smoothies, fillings, salads, etc.

This tasty leafy vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid, which is why it strengthens the immune system and repairs cells.

And that’s not all: it keeps the body hydrated and gives more energy.

Article image licensed from wikiHow.com




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