7 Ways To Reduce Belly Fat In 60 Days

If you combine an exercise routine with a balanced diet, you can reduce fat at your waist while taking better care of your overall health. Read more and learn how to do this!
7 ways to reduce belly fat in 60 days

The fat that has accumulated in the stomach does not go away in one day or even a month of effort. You need to have a clear plan for this, and every step of it must be implemented in such a way that you take care of your health and at the same time reach your goal, which is to reduce fat in the abdominal area.

However, this goal involves much more than just physical things.  Firstly, combating the heart and all the risks associated with it, such as heart attacks, diabetes, high triglyceride levels and many other problems, are essential.

7 ways to reduce belly fat in as little as two months

You need to work to reduce belly fat, and to advance this project, we want to give you seven ways to reduce belly fat this time  so you can see significant results in two months.

Is this something you want to work on today?

1. Exercise twice a day and in two different ways

If you want to get rid of belly fat effectively in two months,  you can’t just settle for aerobic exercise like walking.

In addition, you should also do power sports  so that you can properly train your abdomen and back areas. Therefore, it is a good idea to  combine these two forms of exercise.

Here are a few examples of such combinations.

Jump rope and push-ups


jump rope

Try to exercise twice a day. Half an hour at a time is enough, but remember that in that case, exercise should be a high-intensity sport.

It’s a good idea to tailor your workouts to suit your own level so that you don’t cross your limits or end up being completely exhausted because of exercise.

  • Start your routine with a string jump that you do for five minutes and at a slow pace.
  • Then do five push-ups.
  • Continue with this combination,  slowly increasing the intensity.
  • Start with some stomach-shaping exercises, and focus on firming this area of ​​your body.
  • It is a good idea to spend half an hour on these exercises.

Cycling and swimming

Once you’ve completed the work in the afternoon, go for a little swim or bike a bit.

You don’t have to go to the gym for exercise if you don’t want to. The most important thing here is that you have the  willpower as well as use your imagination when creating different combinations for your exercise routines.

2. The importance of good posture


remember good posture

Instead of this being an actual workout, the following guidelines are a recommendation so you can make it easier to keep your stomach firmer.

  • When sitting, always keep your back straight.
  • When walking, hold your shoulders so that they do not tilt forward, and make sure your neck does not bend.
  • Raise your chin, keep your shoulders and back straight, and you may find that this position gives you a much more positive and energetic attitude.

Your stomach will also benefit from this improvement in keeping your body upright.

3. Downward-looking dog: yoga position


downward looking dog

This is a simple and effective yoga based exercise. You won’t be exhausted after you do that, and the business isn’t hard to implement either. It’s a  daily routine that has countless positive effects when you start using it in your daily life.

  • The downward-facing dog’s position is one where you support your weight on your hands and feet, which are on the floor.
  • This forces your stomach to keep you in balance, and it  causes tension and resistance, and you maintain this state for two minutes.
  • Try repeating this exercise  three times a day.

4. Pineapple and papaya: fruits that reduce belly fat


papaya juice

Now you know what type of physical routine is needed to make it easier to reduce belly fat. However, it is also helpful to know what foods you should eat more to meet this goal.

Start your day with a fruit salad consisting of  pineapple, papaya and chia seeds. Even such a delicious and healthy fruit salad will  improve your digestion, fight inflammation and promote the reduction of fat in the stomach.

5. Include purple fruits and red vegetables in your diet

All foods that are purple or red in color are rich in anthocyanins, which are great antioxidants. They  stimulate your metabolism and help keep your fat levels under better control.

These products include, but are not limited to:

  • grapes
  • eggplant
  • cranberry
  • beetroot
  • red cabbage

6. Take advantage of monounsaturated fatty acids

Foods high in monounsaturated fatty acids are a  great help in reducing belly fat.

In addition to promoting the health of your heart and blood vessels, they  give you a feeling of satiety as well as provide plenty of energy. The following products are all such health-promoting foods:

  • avocado
  • olive, coconut and cod liver oil
  • salmon
  • nuts such as pistachios
  • sardines
  • tofu

7. Eat foods high in insoluble fiber



Vegetable fiber helps you  feel full, and it prevents you from snacking between meals. In addition, it also helps  lower bad cholesterol levels as well as fights constipation.

It’s always a good idea to add a little more insoluble fiber to your diet.

So don’t hesitate to try the following products:

  • vegetables (broccoli, watercress, raw carrot or spinach, asparagus, beetroot, artichoke and pumpkin)
  • legumes (lentils and chickpeas)
  • cereals (oats and rye)
  • fruits (apples and bananas)

Take these tips to help you today if you want to get rid of stubborn fat in your stomach in a healthy way – if you make these little changes to your lifestyle, you can see the results you want in two months. Give it a try!

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